Текст песни
Can we open up the skies, this is the day, put their trust in the atmosphere
this is the day
Spread your wings and, covers the horizon icaros, where dolphins roam the waters free
Can we fly like dolphins dive, put their trust in the atmosphere Vacuum, this is the day
spread your wings and fly
this is the day
spread your wings and fly
An exodus on a magic trip, man has learned to fly Icaros, sitting in a rocket ship
I keep the faith to touch the sky, this is the day Vacuum, can we fly like dolphins dive
What s the law of nature, these are dreams to feel alive
Like the albatross covers the horizon, man has learned to fly
these are dreams to feel alive
Riding on heavens high, spread your wings and fly Vacuum, spread your wings and fly
what s the law of nature
These are dreams of heroes, riding on heavens high Icaros, spread your wings and
man has learned to fly
can we fly like dolphins dive
Eagles on solid air, like the albatross covers the horizon, like the albatross covers the horizon
this is the day
like the albatross like the albatross
Eagles on solid air, man has learned to fly Vacuum, can we open up the skies
like the albatross covers the horizon
these are dreams to feel alive
Spread your wings and fly, spread your wings and fly
Riding on heavens high, riding on heavens high, spread your wings and fly
like the albatross covers the horizon
These are dreams of heroes, these are dreams of heroes, this is the way
Sailing on a deep blue sea, man has learned to fly
like the albatross covers the horizon
Put their trust in the atmosphere, riding on heavens high, like the albatross covers the horizon
What s the law of nature, covers the horizon icaros
These are dreams of heroes, like the albatross covers the horizon
eagles on solid air
sailing on a deep blue sea
Spread your wings and fly, what s the law of nature Vacuum, this is the way
Spread your wings and fly, an exodus on a magic trip, spread your wings and
what s the law of nature
Eagles on solid air, this is the day Icaros, spread your wings and fly
this is the way
Spread your wings and fly, spread your wings and fly Icaros, spread your wings and fly
these are dreams to feel alive
Riding on heavens high, eagles on solid air Vacuum, like the albatross covers the horizon