Текст песни
we claim this land as our own
Far beyond the horizon s end, hope and wills that just won t bend, these savages lined up for the kill
Trans atlantic boat men, they found themselves in a new land, trans atlantic boat men
They found themselves in a new land, cold and hungry
Hope and wills that just won t bend, trans atlantic boat men Horizon's, guided by the blade and axe
a city of life now a burial mound
cold and hungry
burnt to the ground
Hope and wills that just won t bend, hope and wills that just won t bend
As the fog clears we hit the land, to the shores of this new world
They found themselves in a new land, they found themselves in a new land
Far beyond the horizon s end, guided by the blade and axe Winters, this mighty mission we will fulfill
Cold and hungry, guided by the blade and axe, guided by the blade and axe
Cold and hungry, burnt to the ground
Seafaring fighting hoard, to the shores of this new world
guided by the blade and axe
Storm the village, this mighty mission we will fulfill
far beyond the horizon s end
Guided by the blade and axe, hope and wills that just won t bend, cold and hungry
Guided by the blade and axe, guided by the blade and axe
Storm the village, burnt to the ground
Seafaring fighting hoard, hope and wills that just won t bend
A city of life now a burial mound, hope and wills that just won t bend, they found themselves in a new land
we claim this land as our own
cold and hungry
Far beyond the horizon s end, far beyond the horizon s end, to the shores of this new world
Cold and hungry, seafaring fighting hoard, cold and hungry
they found themselves in a new land
As the fog clears we hit the land, to the shores of this new world
To the shores of this new world, iron verses wood and stone
guided by the blade and axe
trans atlantic boat men
Cold and hungry, guided by the blade and axe, storm the village
Guided by the blade and axe, to the shores of this new world
seafaring fighting hoard
they found themselves in a new land
trans atlantic boat men
Guided by the blade and axe, hope and wills that just won t bend
Cold and hungry, iron verses wood and stone End, seafaring fighting hoard
To the shores of this new world, far beyond the horizon s end
hope and wills that just won t bend
seafaring fighting hoard
This mighty mission we will fulfill, a city of life now a burial mound, cold and hungry
We claim this land as our own, to the shores of this new world
Cold and hungry, seafaring fighting hoard
cold and hungry
To the shores of this new world, as the fog clears we hit the land
Trans atlantic boat men, hope and wills that just won t bend Horizon's, to the shores of this new world
Cold and hungry, guided by the blade and axe
Iron verses wood and stone, guided by the blade and axe
Storm the village, far beyond the horizon s end