Текст песни
bodies melt together in sync with tone
Is this a dream or are you awake, the lights bring color to a new heaven, the lights bring color to a new heaven
Heat so hot that you come undone, the sound pulls out as it starts to fade And, swollen to smolder and ashes to dust
Swollen to smolder and ashes to dust, pound to the rhythm come skin and bone
The rain won t end and you are all alone again, the rain won t end and you are all alone again
Bodies melt together in sync with tone, don t you know the summer s gone, pound to the rhythm come skin and bone
The sound pulls out as it starts to fade, don t you know the summer s gone 16Volt, don t you know the summer s gone
gonna collapses from overuse
Heat so hot that you come undone, gonna collapses from overuse, swollen to smolder and ashes to dust
the rain won t end and you are all alone again
The sound pulls out as it starts to fade, they grind forever in hyper lust
The rain won t end and you are all alone again, the rain won t end and you are all alone again, the faces blur in a pool of sweat
The faces blur in a pool of sweat, the rain won t end and you are all alone again
They grind forever in hyper lust, the rain won t end and you are all alone again And, gonna collapses from overuse
pound to the rhythm come skin and bone
they grind forever in hyper lust
Your mind is hotter than the fire of sun, your head still swimming on a plane of dust
bodies melt together in sync with tone
Stale synapses blown like a fuse, the rain won t end and you are all alone again
the subs keep pumping out the idle threats
they grind forever in hyper lust
don t you know the summer s gone
The rain won t end and you are all alone again, heat so hot that you come undone
Stale synapses blown like a fuse, bodies melt together in sync with tone, is this a dream or are you awake
the rain won t end and you are all alone again
The subs keep pumping out the idle threats, don t you know the summer s gone
Your head still swimming on a plane of dust, the rain won t end and you are all alone again
Your head still swimming on a plane of dust, the darkness filled from wax to pin
the rain won t end and you are all alone again
Stale synapses blown like a fuse, your head still swimming on a plane of dust Alone, the sun comes early when you waste the dusk
Stale synapses blown like a fuse, the sun comes early when you waste the dusk And, stale synapses blown like a fuse
Your mind is hotter than the fire of sun, they grind forever in hyper lust, swollen to smolder and ashes to dust
the subs keep pumping out the idle threats
the darkness filled from wax to pin
stale synapses blown like a fuse
The sun comes early when you waste the dusk, the darkness filled from wax to pin
the rain won t end and you are all alone again
The darkness filled from wax to pin, stale synapses blown like a fuse Are, the faces blur in a pool of sweat
don t you know the summer s gone
the faces blur in a pool of sweat
The rain won t end and you are all alone again, the subs keep pumping out the idle threats
They grind forever in hyper lust, don t you know the summer s gone Again, don t you know the summer s gone
The rain won t end and you are all alone again, the rain won t end and you are all alone again
Pound to the rhythm come skin and bone, the rain won t end and you are all alone again
don t you know the summer s gone
Don t you know the summer s gone, the rain won t end and you are all alone again You, the sun comes early when you waste the dusk
Your mind is hotter than the fire of sun, don t you know the summer s gone
The faces blur in a pool of sweat, the subs keep pumping out the idle threats Are, swollen to smolder and ashes to dust
Swollen to smolder and ashes to dust, the lights bring color to a new heaven, don t you know the summer s gone
They grind forever in hyper lust, swollen to smolder and ashes to dust, the lights bring color to a new heaven
The sound pulls out as it starts to fade, heat so hot that you come undone 16Volt, the rain won t end and you are all alone again
pound to the rhythm come skin and bone
Your head still swimming on a plane of dust, heat so hot that you come undone
Don t you know the summer s gone, the lights bring color to a new heaven Are, the lights bring color to a new heaven
heat so hot that you come undone
Don t you know the summer s gone, the rain won t end and you are all alone again Are, the rain won t end and you are all alone again