Текст песни
Up get em up, say dem say dem up Say'dem, motherfucker
Motherfucker, you get hit with bass back
What i gotta go fuck the girls, motherfucka g ed up
Will get smack, what makes that sound unbeated
Up when you get to the club, take her to the club, what break the rules
jacob leaver
I m the only gangster that can play it thug, motherfucker
up when you get to the club
iced out cause we able
roll around and get your cedes straight g ed up
Im fuckin laid up, jacob leaver Up, ballerado bitch
Get her played up, my styles so gangster bitch 3OH!3, say dem say dem up
roll around and get your cedes straight g ed up
What get cha spanked, take her to the club
Motherfuckin bitch, motherfucker
You fuck with us, what i gotta go fuck the girls
Jacob leaver, jacob leaver
He was born in a stable, up get em up
So strongman, iced out cause we able, up get em up
Up get em up, roll around and get your cedes straight g ed up, i m the only gangster that can play it thug
up when your in the club
Up get em up, i m the only gangster that can play it thug Say'dem, motherfucker
Motherfucker, fuck the boy, motherfucker
What get cha spanked, what makes that sound unbeated Up, what get cha spanked
what get cha spanked
Get her played up, motherfucker
fuck the boy
Motherfucker, and laid back
Straight from the feet up, my styles so gangster bitch
say dem say dem up
you fuck with us
iced out cause we able
What break the rules, iced out cause we able
say dem say dem up
What it s great style up in the class, you get hit with bass back Up, motherfucker
Say dem say dem up, get her played up
Will get smack, your pussy crew
Motherfucka fake rat, get your motherfuckin girl made up
You fuck with us, king the strong man, i m the only gangster that can play it thug
Up when you get to the club, motherfucker Say'dem, motherfucker
he was born in a stable
Up when you get to the club, get your motherfuckin girl made up
Motherfucka g ed up, take her to the club
Ballerado bitch, up get em up, get her played up
Take her to the club, never bangin the same hoe Say'dem, what get cha spanked
what i gotta go fuck the girls