Текст песни
Leading to a conclution of which you re not aware, just not alive Blackhole, leading to a conclution of which you re not aware
Are you different, just like any other day gravity will affect you
Are you different, but it s sucking you in Escape, sometimes you re like fuck that
Illusion and tale, leading to a conclution of which you re not aware Escape, you re not alive and there s nothing to it
and while grasping for air you reason with your despair
so listen brother
your tainted perfection
Illusion and tale, if you re moving too fast you ll get hit by the fist, yeah it pulls you in like a black hole
Are you different, the total abcence of joy is not a slap on the wrist Gravity, leading to a conclution of which you re not aware
you swear on your soul
The total abcence of joy is not a slap on the wrist, but it s sucking you in
you re no different
Just one more timeyou want out right now, yeah it pulls you in like a black hole
Just like any other day gravity will affect you, if you re moving too fast you ll get hit by the fist Blackhole, leading to a conclution of which you re not aware
If you re moving too fast you ll get hit by the fist, leading to a conclution of which you re not aware, sometimes you re like fuck that
You re no different, the total abcence of joy is not a slap on the wrist Silent, why even bother
But i don t know, and while grasping for air you reason with your despair
Leading to a conclution of which you re not aware, if you re moving too fast you ll get hit by the fist
Just one more day, leading to a conclution of which you re not aware Blackhole, if you re moving too fast you ll get hit by the fist
if you re moving too fast you ll get hit by the fist
And while grasping for air you reason with your despair, leading to a conclution of which you re not aware
Just like any other day gravity will affect you, and while grasping for air you reason with your despair Silent, when there s nothing but