Текст песни
And they ll all die believing, infecting all we ll start this revolution, kill all the scum and all the pigs and crooked politicians
Intestine pain spreading out, the things i know that you know
We ll cast out from our lines, and they ll all die believing, the things we ve seen
we can not be the only ones that know right know who s got to go
look forward to the end of life
We ll cast out from our lines, open all blind eyes
The things we ve seen, infecting all we ll start this revolution, fluids mist the air spreading interfection
Fluids mist the air spreading interfection, look forward to the end of life
Intestine pain spreading out, open all blind eyes, thirsty for your glands
We ll cast out from our lines, grab all your guns and all of your sons we ll start this revolution now
Fluids mist the air spreading interfection, and they ll all die believing Interfection, i can sleaze my brain disease and smell the interfection
Kill all the scum and all the pigs and crooked politicians, the ones who don t believe me
We ll cast out from our lines, the interfection makes the laws
should i sew this shut or leave it open
I can sleaze my brain disease and smell the interfection, kill all the scum and all the pigs and crooked politicians, i can sleaze my brain disease and smell the interfection
ending all of time
should i sew this shut or leave it open
Crystals behind our eyes, the ones who don t believe me
we ll talk some shit and maybe learn a lesson
fluids mist the air spreading interfection
We bleed from inside, should i sew this shut or leave it open
I can sleaze my brain disease and smell the interfection, we ll cast out from our lines, we must recuperate
The things i know that you know, fluids mist the air spreading interfection
The things i know that you know, thirsty for your glands
Fluids mist the air spreading interfection, the things we ve seen, we ll talk some shit and maybe learn a lesson
The things we ve seen, crystals behind our eyes
Fluids mist the air spreading interfection, the things we ve seen Abacinate, we ll cast out from our lines
We ll cast out from our lines, we bleed from inside
The things i know that you know, kill all the scum and all the pigs and crooked politicians
We ll talk some shit and maybe learn a lesson, the things we ve seen
Grab all your guns and all of your sons we ll start this revolution now, intestine pain spreading out, the things i know that you know
The things i know that you know, fluids mist the air spreading interfection, should i sew this shut or leave it open
We ll cast out from our lines, smoke some shit
Fluids mist the air spreading interfection, look forward to the end of life
Fluids mist the air spreading interfection, the interfection makes the laws, the things we ve seen
The interfection makes the laws, we ll talk some shit and maybe learn a lesson
The interfection makes the laws, the things we ve seen, the things we ve seen
Fluids mist the air spreading interfection, we can not be the only ones that know right know who s got to go Interfection, fluids mist the air spreading interfection
Crystals behind our eyes, fluids mist the air spreading interfection
And they ll all die believing, and they ll all die believing
crystals behind our eyes
I can sleaze my brain disease and smell the interfection, ending all of time Abacinate, intestine pain spreading out
We bleed from inside, crystals behind our eyes
Grab all your guns and all of your sons we ll start this revolution now, look forward to the end of life, look forward to the end of life
look forward to the end of life
We must recuperate, smoke some shit Abacinate, infecting all we ll start this revolution
kill all the scum and all the pigs and crooked politicians
kill all the scum and all the pigs and crooked politicians
Should i sew this shut or leave it open, the ones who don t believe me Interfection, we bleed from inside
I can sleaze my brain disease and smell the interfection, the ones who don t believe me Abacinate, the things i know that you know
smoke some shit
thirsty for your glands
before it s too late
smoke some shit
Open all blind eyes, we can not be the only ones that know right know who s got to go, we must recuperate