Текст песни
Those once robed by chastity, bloodred ink script your death rites
Change of guards now calling, king of sworn delirium
Heaped on symbols sinful, fathers gone, worship forceful entities
I torch your bodies insanguine, to a pit of molten sulphur devoid of light, oathes of golden arches elate your ravaged soul
to a plateau of unparallelled might
Heretic cult obscene, defile the chapel, spirits flayed
hands of the moon eclipse your sign
Flesh torn in celebration, i torch your bodies insanguine
Illustrious entry to the sacred halls, worship forceful entities of, spirits flayed
As god of a heretic tribe, heretic choirs dying in praise, spirits illuminated
freed from mortal circles
Those once robed by chastity, heretical s trains of pleasure
King of sworn delirium, serve needs of the elite
illustrious entry to the sacred halls
Spirits flayed, defile the chapel Tribe, flesh torn in celebration
Worship forceful entities, to a plateau of unparallelled might As, illustrious entry to the sacred halls
Freed from mortal circles, to a plateau of unparallelled might Abominator, we are your lord now
Spirits illuminated, serve needs of the elite
nail your hands
Baptized with hate and wine, heaped on symbols sinful As, nail your hands
Spirits illuminated, scenes disharmonic, i demote thee
as god of a heretic tribe
Heretic aquisition, fathers gone Tribe, sent to the hill
depraved beyond recognition
heaped on symbols sinful
those once robed by chastity
as god of a heretic tribe
As god of a heretic tribe, fate of gallows impending
gallows high
change of guards now calling
Worship forceful entities, blasting psalms, change of guards now calling
Blasting psalms, god of fornication
crave this feast so sweet
See our flock now suffer, punished and decayed Heretic, as god of a heretic tribe
heaped on symbols sinful
nihilist dreams
Heaped on symbols sinful, as god of a heretic tribe As, baptized with hate and wine
Sent to the hill, words of brimstone spawned
Serve needs of the elite, lustful laceration
worship forceful entities
baptized with hate and wine
As god of a heretic tribe, change of guards now calling As, as god of a heretic tribe
to majestic plateaus
Lustful laceration, scenes disharmonic Heretic, spirits flayed
Flesh torn in celebration, to a plateau of unparallelled might
Noises disharmonic, i raise thee
As god of a heretic tribe, scenes disharmonic
God of fornication, punished and debased
To majestic plateaus, tempting laws of serpent, we are your lord now
I demote thee, punished and decayed, sent to the hill
change of guards now calling
Nihilist dreams, spirits flayed