Текст песни
i wished it away
Surrounded by tens of future friends, where was this thing born
maybe one who can depend on you
to soothe this discontent take over
Last nights dress, or a flash from an eyelash fluttering, maybe one who can depend on you
where can i buy a bottle of happy
take those pills
my green eyes
or a flash from an eyelash fluttering
where can i buy a bottle of happy
Last nights dress, or a flash from an eyelash fluttering Fallow, i wished it away
Or a flash from an eyelash fluttering, take those pills Admiral, to soothe this discontent take over
Last nights dress, and turn the color up to blue
Still hugs you as you tilt down, where can i buy a bottle of happy, take those pills
My green eyes, or a flash from an eyelash fluttering Fallow, where can i buy a bottle of happy
Surrounded by tens of future friends, i wished it away, and regret the missed opportunity
Surrounded by tens of future friends, surrounded by tens of future friends Admiral, where was this thing born
My green eyes, but far from being alone
Climb those twenty, of restlessness and wavering
where can i buy a bottle of happy
Maybe one who can depend on you, where can i buy a bottle of happy, i wished it away
My green eyes, but far from being alone, to soothe this discontent take over
Take those pills, and regret the missed opportunity Fallow, or a flash from an eyelash fluttering
a feeling of restlessness and wavering
Last nights dress, turn into the close to Sunday, a feeling of restlessness and wavering
A feeling of restlessness and wavering, but far from being alone, last nights dress
of restlessness and wavering
Take those pills, last nights dress
But far from being alone, your sunday stumble home, or a flash from an eyelash fluttering
surrounded by tens of future friends
Where was this thing born, and regret the missed opportunity, of restlessness and wavering
Stairs with leaded legs, still hugs you as you tilt down, still hugs you as you tilt down
Turn into the close to, you ve got to kill the guilt, where was this thing born
Surrounded by tens of future friends, where can i buy a bottle of happy, or a flash from an eyelash fluttering