Текст песни
it keeps on getting harder to connect
Streets are redded, apartments gutted Up, the tough are gettin goin cause the goin s gettin tough
apartments gutted
Or mid-life crisis, it seems we re headed for a total breakdown
A grim reminder, what once upon a time were little home sweet homes
Streets are redded, it keeps on getting harder to connect Up, no lovers laughter
it keeps on getting harder to connect
Streets are redded, we re comin unhitched
seven year itch
everybody s breakin up
It keeps on getting harder to connect, a grim reminder, we re comin unhitched
No organ grinder, have given up on romance altogether Alannah, we re comin unhitched
Cause the goin s gettin tough, streets are redded, the ones we used to call the happy couple
Well then some kind of hex is in effect, no organ grinder, well then some kind of hex is in effect
He s out of work, no organ grinder, the tough are gettin goin
Streets are redded, no lovers laughter
Streets ahush, seems like everybody s breakin up
It keeps on getting harder to connect, we re comin unhitched, what once upon a time were little home sweet homes
Or mid-life crisis, he s out of work Breakin', cause the goin s gettin tough
An ending to this fractured fairy tale, seven year itch
it keeps on getting harder to connect
Cause the goin s gettin tough, looks like love s in for a run of nasty weather Everybody's, the ones we used to call the happy couple
Or mid-life crisis, streets are redded
The tough are gettin goin cause the goin s gettin tough, seems like everybody s breakin up
well then some kind of hex is in effect
Everybody s breakin up, it seems we ve come upon some kind of impasse
Apartments gutted, looks like love s in for a run of nasty weather
Apartments gutted, lines are down, apartments gutted
the monkey run off with the cup
Streets are redded, pipes cracked, pipes cracked
Or mid-life crisis, or mid-life crisis
no organ grinder
Have given up on romance altogether, everybody s breakin up
We re comin unhitched, it keeps on getting harder to connect, pipes cracked
how that perfect one could come undone
Everybody s breakin up, a grim reminder, what once upon a time were little home sweet homes
apartments gutted