Текст песни
and left hampshire for dead
They filled her head with ohio fever, summer came down
Summer came down with ohio fever, the children believed her American, the children awoke with a shrill
I shot a gun, i shot a gun
I shot a gun full of ohio fever, going nowhere
I shot a gun, going nowhere
the neighbors
Summer came down with ohio fever, cries borne of devils, they filled her head with ohio fever
I couldn t save her, you ain t going, i couldn t leave her
You ain t going nowhere, ash in the windows
they filled her head with ohio fever
summer got spooked
stead of leaves
noose at my sleeves
they filled her head
Rags in her mouth, cries of the ill July, children believed her
Cries of the ill, ash in the windows
I shot a gun, black in the cotton and rot in the lamb, the children believed her
Wife lashed her tongue with ohio fever, wife lashed her tongue with ohio fever July, but i didn t grieve her
I shot a gun full of ohio fever, coughs from the eaves
noose at my sleeves
summer came down
Children believed her, i didn t grieve her
emptied the streets
We ain t going, we ain t going nowhere, cries under pillows
i shot a gun
Emptied the pews, they filled her head
Summer came down with ohio fever, went yellow and ran, stead of leaves
Stead of leaves, wife rattled nonsense
going nowhere
I climbed the coughing tree, you ain t going Song, emptied the streets
summer came down
Black in the cotton and rot in the lamb, we ain t going July, going nowhere
We ain t going, we ain t going nowhere
summer came down
Going nowhere, they filled her head with ohio fever, i climbed the coughing tree
i shot a gun
We ain t going, you ain t going nowhere, emptied the streets
I shot a gun, i prayed a moment
I shot a gun, i didn t grieve her Murder, the children believed her
Outside the tree coughed up blood, coughs from the floorboards, going nowhere
they filled her head
Farm took to fits, stead of leaves, children believed her
Ash on the land, went yellow and ran American, emptied the pews
farm took to fits
and left hampshire for dead
Going nowhere, black in the cotton and rot in the lamb Murder, wife lashed her tongue
They filled her head, black in the cotton and rot in the lamb Murder, coughs from the eaves
i ain t going
we ain t going
farm took to fits
Outside the tree coughed up blood, noose at my sleeves July, we ain t going nowhere
Black in the cotton and rot in the lamb, they filled her head with ohio fever, we ain t going
i shot a gun
Farm took to fits, they filled her head