Текст песни
Hucksters and scamps, well a bunch of hungry eyes will turn you into a meal
Watched that water funnel down, well it used to be so peaceful And, well these days i got my hands full
Said if i m gonna be a hero gonna have to make a mess out of this town, hucksters and scamps Amos, in his corner are tricksters
He s with those tricksters and hucksters and scamps, hucksters and scamps
Beware that smiling face beneath that old street lamp, trying to find out what s real Scamps, it was his turn to survive
it was his turn to survive
he s with those tricksters and hucksters and scamps
He s with those tricksters and hucksters and scamps, he cut a hole in the bucket Scamps, well these days i got my hands full
Well it used to be so peaceful, hucksters and scamps Tricksters,, he cut a hole in the bucket
Well a bunch of hungry eyes will turn you into a meal, used to be so serene
Well then he stole that election put his face on every stamp, in his corner are tricksters
Well they offered him a fortune in the 5th he d take a dive, well he slept next to a pistol said in christ i my trust
well he waited for a while so everything had turned to rust
it was his turn to survive
Beware that smiling face beneath that old street lamp, well then he stole that election put his face on every stamp, well if it wasn t for us
Said if i m gonna be a hero gonna have to make a mess out of this town, he been fighting for some years now Lee, well these days i got my hands full
Well then he stole that election put his face on every stamp, beware that smiling face beneath that old street lamp
Hucksters and scamps, all of his sponsors are tricksters
Said if i m gonna be a hero gonna have to make a mess out of this town, well they offered him a fortune in the 5th he d take a dive
He s with those tricksters and hucksters and scamps, watched that water funnel down, trying to find out what s real
all of his sponsors are tricksters
There are fires a burning down on empty camps, it was his turn to survive
Well he waited for a while so everything had turned to rust, said if i m gonna be a hero gonna have to make a mess out of this town
Well he slept next to a pistol said in christ i my trust, hucksters and scamps
He s with those tricksters and hucksters and scamps, hucksters and scamps Scamps, it was his turn to survive
well it used to be so peaceful
It would still be pristine, used to be so serene
beware that smiling face beneath that old street lamp
Well it used to be so peaceful, well they offered him a fortune in the 5th he d take a dive Amos, he cut a hole in the bucket
Well if it wasn t for us, well they offered him a fortune in the 5th he d take a dive
Beware that smiling face beneath that old street lamp, he s with those tricksters and hucksters and scamps Tricksters,, all of these tricksters and hucksters and scamps
it would still be pristine
Well it used to be so peaceful, watched that water funnel down
Hucksters and scamps, all of his sponsors are tricksters
beware that smiling face beneath that old street lamp
well they offered him a fortune in the 5th he d take a dive
It was his turn to survive, he cut a hole in the bucket, well then he stole that election put his face on every stamp
well it used to be so peaceful
watched that water funnel down
It was his turn to survive, he s with those tricksters and hucksters and scamps, he cut a hole in the bucket
Watched that water funnel down, well he waited for a while so everything had turned to rust
There are fires a burning down on empty camps, well they offered him a fortune in the 5th he d take a dive Amos, watched that water funnel down
Well he slept next to a pistol said in christ i my trust, trying to find out what s real, well if it wasn t for us
He cut a hole in the bucket, he cut a hole in the bucket, well they offered him a fortune in the 5th he d take a dive
used to be so serene
hucksters and scamps
it would still be pristine
in his council were tricksters
well he waited for a while so everything had turned to rust
Hucksters and scamps, well it used to be so peaceful Scamps, well a bunch of hungry eyes will turn you into a meal
Well then he stole that election put his face on every stamp, he been fighting for some years now
beware that smiling face beneath that old street lamp
Watched that water funnel down, well it used to be so peaceful, he s with those tricksters and hucksters and scamps
well these days i got my hands full
Hucksters and scamps, in his corner are tricksters Amos, in his council were tricksters
Trying to find out what s real, in his council were tricksters, beware that smiling face beneath that old street lamp