Текст песни
My spirit s telling me, you ll find that it lifts your spirits high to the sky
mo turning back for me
we must get closer to the essence of life
we must get closer to the essence of life
move straight ahead
you ll find that it lifts your spirits high to the sky
Of the universe, move straight ahead
of the universe
Don t let it wither and die, i ve got to be free
But be aware that it takes courage and strife, no turning back for me, got to get closer
C mon let s contemplate, said that my mind is made up
My spirit s telling me, you ll find that it lifts your spirits high to the sky
Talk to the heavenly bodies, of the universe Celestial, don t let it wither and die
i ve got to be free
No turning back for me, free from all the things that i don t really need, talk to the heavenly bodies
my mind is made up
free from all the things that i don t really need
You ll find that it lifts your spirits high to the sky, but be aware that it takes courage and strife, expand your mind
of the universe
move straight ahead
but be aware that it takes courage and strife
Don t let it wither and die, my spirit s telling me, i ve got to be free
My spirit s telling me, but be aware that it takes courage and strife Blues, of the universe
Don t let it wither and die, must move with the times that things have got to pass, don t let it wither and die
no turning back for me
move straight ahead
talk to the heavenly bodies
you ll find that it lifts your spirits high to the sky
Expand your mind, of the universe
Free from all the things that i don t really need, of the universe
Must move with the times that things have got to pass, you ll find that it lifts your spirits high to the sky
my spirit s telling me
of the universe
Of the universe, my spirit s telling me Blues, free from all the things that i don t really need
i ve got to be free
But be aware that it takes courage and strife, of the universe Bey, move straight ahead
must move with the times that things have got to pass
I ve got to be free, must move with the times that things have got to pass
Free from all the things that i don t really need, of the universe
Let s contemplate, my mind is made up
talk to the heavenly bodies
free from all the things that i don t really need
You ll find that it lifts your spirits high to the sky, said that my mind is made up Bey, i ve got to be free
of the universe
We must get closer to the essence of life, my spirit s telling me
My spirit s telling me, expand your mind Celestial, don t let it wither and die