Текст песни
We been told that the leaves are falling down, settle down and reach for the sky, slowly glued inside the eye
We will always, we been told that the leaves are falling down
They would never die, slowly glued inside the eye
always run for the weaker soldiers
We will find our right for tomorrow, we believe that the leaves are falling down
They would never die, we will find our right for tomorrow, even when they are not around
a morning after without a sound
We run for the weaker soldiers, always run for the weaker soldiers, we been told that the leaves are falling down
we believe that the leaves are falling down
Settle down and reach for the sky, we run for the weaker soldiers Down, stories live in seeds to believe
We been told that the leaves are falling down, we been told that the leaves are falling down
Even when they are not around, even when they are not around
Always run for the weaker soldiers, we will find our right for tomorrow Falling, a morning after without a sound
We run for the weaker soldiers, even when they are not around
We believe that the leaves are falling down, allies they told someone would die
We run for the weaker soldiers, we been told that the leaves are falling down
Go inside the seed for a try, we run for the weaker soldiers Brun, slowly glued inside the eye
Allies they told someone would die, even when they are not around, always run for the weaker soldiers
We run for the weaker soldiers, we been told that the leaves are falling down, always run for the weaker soldiers
we been told that the leaves are falling down
go inside the seed for a try
Even when they are not around, a morning after without a sound, even when they are not around
We will find our right for tomorrow, we will always, a morning after without a sound
We believe that the leaves are falling down, we believe that the leaves are falling down, a morning after without a sound
A morning after without a sound, even when they are not around
Even when they are not around, we run for the weaker soldiers, allies they told someone would die
we run for the weaker soldiers
we been told that the leaves are falling down
we will always
Always run for the weaker soldiers, go inside the seed for a try, we been told that the leaves are falling down
stories live in seeds to believe
a morning after without a sound
We believe that the leaves are falling down, they would never die
we been told that the leaves are falling down
we believe that the leaves are falling down
Always run for the weaker soldiers, we believe that the leaves are falling down
we run for the weaker soldiers
We been told that the leaves are falling down, we been told that the leaves are falling down
a morning after without a sound
Always run for the weaker soldiers, even when they are not around, we believe that the leaves are falling down
They would never die, even when they are not around
We been told that the leaves are falling down, a morning after without a sound Brun, we believe that the leaves are falling down
We run for the weaker soldiers, always run for the weaker soldiers, a morning after without a sound
Even when they are not around, we run for the weaker soldiers Brun, we been told that the leaves are falling down
A morning after without a sound, allies they told someone would die