Текст песни
Hoy many times i ve cried for you, no more lies
there are no more tales
the real story has just began
Destroying everything in their path, we were running out of time Never, guillermo izquierdo
the real story has just began
We put our entire trust in you, who i can consider my friends, there are not many men in the world
Guillermo izquierdo, who i can consider my friends
My pores are sweating hatred words i have never told you, and you threw it right to the trash
A crystal dream with no solution, our future built in bad lands Apatrida, i forgive but i never forget
your words betrayed yourself, you would
Guillermo izquierdo, my pores are sweating hatred words i have never told you Never, broken by your never ending greed
Our future built in bad lands, a blood-injected pupil runs
There are not many men in the world, realize that no one loved you, the real story has just began
guillermo izquierdo
We were running out of time, our future built in bad lands Angelus, what made you think we d join your game
hoy many times i ve cried for you
I forgive but i never forget, we put our entire trust in you, guillermo izquierdo
Who i can consider my friends, there are no more tales, hoy many times i ve cried for you
The real story has just began, a crystal dream with no solution, no more lies
A blood-injected pupil runs, we put our entire trust in you, your words betrayed yourself, you would
What made you think we d join your game, guillermo izquierdo
Say goodbye to the world you use to know, who i can consider my friends
Destroying everything in their path, your conscience while you fall asleep, how many hours i ve wasted my illusion
And you threw it right to the trash, there are not many men in the world
Guillermo izquierdo, we put our entire trust in you
My pores are sweating hatred words i have never told you, hoy many times i ve cried for you
the real story has just began
your words betrayed yourself, you would
we were running out of time
what made you think we d join your game
Say goodbye to the world you use to know, there are not many men in the world
Your words betrayed yourself, you would, foundations are stronger than all, our future built in bad lands
Say goodbye to the world you use to know, guillermo izquierdo, the real story has just began
foundations are stronger than all
A blood-injected pupil runs, there are no more tales
Your words betrayed yourself, you would, your words betrayed yourself, you would
We put our entire trust in you, a crystal dream with no solution
your conscience while you fall asleep
we were running out of time
who i can consider my friends
The real story has just began, i forgive but i never forget Never, hoy many times i ve cried for you
A blood-injected pupil runs, there are not many men in the world Apatrida, and you threw it right to the trash
What made you think we d join your game, say goodbye to the world you use to know