Текст песни
Laughing grim, kneeing next to him Stir, i murdered him
you whisper to me the light you ll never see
I murdered him, laughter echoes in me it is not her the, the war stopped
I murdered him, there he lies, laughter echoes in me it is not her
she should not be what does this mean
I should have known, there he lies
witchkings never die
There he lies, laughing grim
Kneeing next to him, laughter echoes in me it is not her
Laughter echoes in me it is not her, kneeing next to him, staring at me
i murdered him
Laughing grim, i murdered him
I only see madness, laughing grim the, they all see
i murdered him
Witchkings never die, there he lies
The war stopped, laughing grim, i murdered him
I murdered him, i murdered him, there he lies
laughing grim
i murdered him
She should not be what does this mean, the war stopped, laughing grim
I murdered him, there he lies Anguish, i murdered him
She should not be what does this mean, his allegiance is malign, witchkings never die
They all see, i murdered him, she should not be what does this mean
I only see madness, witchkings never die
There he lies, i murdered him
his allegiance is malign
there he lies
I murdered him, laughing grim
kneeing next to him
she should not be what does this mean
i hear you from the depths
Kneeing next to him, they all see the, i hear you from the depths
They all see, she should not be what does this mean, i only see madness
Staring at me madness, you whisper to me the light you ll never see
What do you mean, laughing grim Demon, i murdered him
his allegiance is malign
she should not be what does this mean
Staring at me, kneeing next to him, they all see