Текст песни
Wouldn t you be too, now he s gone
waiting on the weary shore
I m just a woman, i m just a woman who s only human
a lonely woman
I m just a woman, i m just a woman who s only human Blue, long before dawn
Waiting on the weary shore, a lonely woman
how could he do it
i m just a woman who s only human
there was a time
Without a warning i found he was gone, ain t these tears in these eyes telling you Blue, he never done it before
A lonely woman, when i was his only one
And we re through, when i was his only one
Done fell through, i m just a woman
There was a time, done fell through, done fell through
Without a warning i found he was gone, waiting on the weary shore
if each plan with your man
When i was his only one, one you should feel sorry for
If each plan with your man, i m just a woman who s only human
When i was his only one, but now i m the sad and lonely one lonely
It was a morning, wouldn t you be too Am, waiting on the weary shore
I m just a woman who s only human, why should he do it Am, wouldn t you be too
Long before dawn, it was a morning
How can you ask me am i blue, why should he do it
I m just a woman who s only human, long before dawn Am, when i was his only one
There was a time, when i was his only one Blue, he never done it before
How could he do it, if each plan with your man
Done fell through, one you should feel sorry for Am, if each plan with your man
I m just a woman, when i was his only one
If each plan with your man, how can you ask me am i blue
waiting on the weary shore
how could he do it
why should he do it
If each plan with your man, and we re through
how can you ask me am i blue
How can you ask me am i blue, wouldn t you be too, when i was his only one
how could he do it
ain t these tears in these eyes telling you
Why should he do it, waiting on the weary shore
now he s gone
Without a warning i found he was gone, why should he do it
When i was his only one, how can you ask me am i blue
But now i m the sad and lonely one lonely, if each plan with your man, how can you ask me am i blue
I m just a woman who s only human, i m just a woman who s only human
When i was his only one, there was a time
How could he do it, how can you ask me am i blue
a lonely woman
i m just a woman who s only human
There was a time, i m just a woman who s only human, wouldn t you be too
i m just a woman who s only human
How could he do it, there was a time
Without a warning i found he was gone, how can you ask me am i blue, a lonely woman
Long before dawn, but now i m the sad and lonely one lonely Am, why should he do it
i m just a woman who s only human
Ain t these tears in these eyes telling you, a lonely woman, why should he do it
without a warning i found he was gone