Текст песни
Bleeding the planet dry kill all life, short-sighted greedy fools, crooked poison fingers
They will do anything for green, short-sighted greedy fools You, bleeding the planet dry blood for oil
Crooked poison fingers, they will do anything for green Structure, bleeding the planet dry kill all life
spineless bastards
Bleeding structure, bleeding the planet dry blood for oil, they re raping the world
bleeding the planet dry kill all life
bleeding the planet dry blood for oil
they re raping the world
They will do anything for green, short-sighted greedy fools
Bleeding structure, they will do anything for green
Spineless bastards, spineless bastards
Infecting all things, bleeding the planet dry kill all life, falling down
infecting all things
Destroying our world, they will do anything for green Drown, crooked poison fingers
death to all life
Destroying our world, we drown in rivers of shit, short-sighted greedy fools
Destroying our world, they re raping the world, psychotic rampant fools
They re raping the world, bleeding the planet dry blood for oil
Falling down, bleeding the planet dry blood for oil
bleeding structure
falling down
Falling down, they will do anything for green
spineless bastards
Short-sighted greedy fools, infecting all things
crooked poison fingers
death to all life
What will you profit from when nothing can survive, crooked poison fingers
Bleeding structure, crooked poison fingers Drown, falling down
Crooked poison fingers, what will you profit from when nothing can survive Structure, falling down
We drown in rivers of shit, they will do anything for green
spineless bastards
They re raping the world, falling down, falling down
They will do anything for green, bleeding the planet dry blood for oil Structure, infecting all things
Falling down, infecting all things, falling down
Destroying our world, infecting all things
They re raping the world, crooked poison fingers Bleeding, bleeding structure
Crooked poison fingers, infecting all things
We drown in rivers of shit, what will you profit from when nothing can survive
bleeding structure
They re raping the world, psychotic rampant fools Structure, what will you profit from when nothing can survive
They will do anything for green, destroying our world, crooked poison fingers
They will do anything for green, what will you profit from when nothing can survive, bleeding structure
Infecting all things, death to all life, destroying our world
Crooked poison fingers, spineless bastards, bleeding the planet dry blood for oil
Falling down, bleeding structure
bleeding the planet dry kill all life
Kill for profit, we drown in rivers of shit, they will do anything for green