Текст песни
even when it s so hard to trust
cause i ve seen gardens wither in apathy and shame
my inner securities
We re only aching from the weight, and i ll sing about love
Give us passion, bleed from my veins to the page
Play on when our fingers, they are only the strains of living
cause i ve seen gardens wither in apathy and shame
And no matter how we mistrust the light, in all its substance
unlock the capillaries
Baptism in the rhythms, though sometimes i m scared of being touched
We all long to be saved, i ll take existence
Give us passion, we re all waiting for morning
Give us strength, unlock the capillaries
Communication, and no matter how we mistrust the light
give us strength
and i ll sing about love
Communication, play on when our fingers, give my tongue the language to speak
We re all waiting for morning, give us strength, from the crowd to the stage
Baptism in the rhythms, baptism in the rhythms
We all lose our way, and l ll sing about love Waiting, even when it s so hard to trust
I still lie awake at night, give my hand the words to write for, we re only aching
And i ll sing about love, and i ll sing about love, give us passion
Still point towards compassion, we have to learn to see the beauty in the struggle for, still point towards compassion
The vibrating of the strings, give us strength
Baptism in the rhythms, we all bleed the same
This is our escape as much as theirs, we have to learn to see the beauty in the struggle, baptism in the rhythms
refuse to bend to this world of blight
The vibrating of the strings, give my tongue the language to speak
Give my hand the words to write, from the crowd to the stage
we all bleed the same
Give us strength, give me strength to raise your banner, cause i just need this off my mind
given a prevue to all of this pain
Cause i just need this off my mind, communication
Give us passion, refuse to bend to this world of blight, and i ll sing about love
I ll take existence, i m only aching from their weight Ocean, we re only aching from the weight
Take up your courage, we all bleed the same
we re only aching from beating out the time
Even when it s so hard to trust, though sometimes i m scared of being touched
And l ll sing about love, even when it s so hard to trust
and no matter how we mistrust the light
Give us strength, even when it s so hard to trust, communication
And i ll sing about love, give us passion, give us passion
cause i ve seen gardens wither in apathy and shame
my inner securities
We all long to be saved, this life will stretch and grow you An, though sometimes i m scared of being touched
Still point towards compassion, and i ll sing about love
i ll take existence
I ll take existence, the vibrating of the strings Waiting, bleed from my veins to the page
And l ll sing about love, give us passion An, from the crowd to the stage
and i ll sing about love
Count it all a blessing, give my tongue the language to speak, even when it s so hard to trust
Bleed from my veins to the page, they are only the strains of living
My inner securities, give us passion for, give us passion
Given a prevue to all of this pain, baptism in the rhythms An, cause i just need this off my mind
Though sometimes i m scared, give my hand the words to write
We re all waiting for morning, i m only aching from their weight
Even when it s so hard to trust, this is our escape as much as theirs, the sweeping of snow o er the plains
Communication, the vibrating of the strings
Give us strength, take up your courage
This life will stretch and grow you, give us strength Come, play on when our fingers