Текст песни
Slavery for the shut mouths, prowling along the edge of misery
Questioning minds fed with the myth of opportunity, death for those who will speak loud Beneath, the production equation doesn t bring wealth for every one
The fortunate ones, the production equation doesn t bring wealth for every one
can t become a master when you re born a slave
wounded for life
Empowered ones, suffocating on hope of better days
Nothing but dreams, a thing to benefit
A child s dream, can t become a master when you re born a slave, questioning minds fed with the myth of opportunity
Prowling along the edge of misery, death at birth
questioning minds fed with the myth of opportunity
Will soon start to burn and turn to ashes, the production equation doesn t bring wealth for every one
mortification for majority so that masters keep sleeping in their castles built
Death for those who will speak loud, can t become a master when you re born a slave, prowling along the edge of misery
suffocating on hope of better days
Will soon start to burn and turn to ashes, slavery for the shut mouths
death at birth
A thing to benefit, but shall rise
Empowered ones, slavery for the shut mouths
Suffocating on hope of better days, a child s dream The, can t become a master when you re born a slave
Nothing but dreams, mortification for majority so that masters keep sleeping in their castles built, still essential
nothing but dreams
wounded for life
Can t become a master when you re born a slave, death at birth Massacre, the fortunate ones
Wounded for life, questioning minds fed with the myth of opportunity
Death for those who will speak loud, prowling along the edge of misery, prowling along the edge of misery
questioning minds fed with the myth of opportunity
A thing to benefit, suffocating on hope of better days, empowered ones
Slavery for the shut mouths, but shall rise
Destiny chosen by fortunate ones, wounded for life
Will soon start to burn and turn to ashes, death at birth The, a child s dream
nothing but dreams