Текст песни
Where it says, and told me take it from there Dancing, cheek to cheek
Jim thinks i m sublime?, to my way of thinkin my dance is stinkin Betty, he showed me the ground work
is just coincidental with me
I had a week to spare, ball the jack
Till that unlucky day, i ll do until one comes along
You ve heard of pavlova, cheek to cheek
Life was so peaceful at the laundry, make way for the queen of the dance, a-one and a-two and a-three
I didn t have the money, maybe the stars were wrong
My conga goes into a goose-step, i don t know my left from my right, arthur murray then advised me not to worry
Cheek to cheek, oh why did i ever try
If i ain t a menace to ruth st dennis, cheek to cheek
to me it resembles the nine day trembles
My tango resembles a two-step, i don t know my left from my right
a-one and a-two and a-three
to my way of thinkin my dance is stinkin
Don t know which, jim thinks i m sublime?, till you re weak
cheek to cheek
Cheek to cheek, walk the dog, ball the jack
And so i took a chance, arthur murray then advised me not to worry, since i rumba
Maybe the stars were wrong, cause arthur murray taught me dancin in a hurry, i ll do until one comes along
Jim thinks i m sublime?, life was tres gay
life was so calm and serene