Текст песни
Where did allen woody go and were you there, ashes to ashes we all fall down Big, nashville grass that the sun burned brown
Carry him along, where did allen woody go and were you there Big, we all got to stand in the same judgement
For a lifetime lived and a lifetime spent, we all got to stand in the same judgement Big, i saw his own black cowboy boots
Where did allen woody go and were you there, for a lifetime lived and a lifetime spent
we all got to stand in the same judgement
Gather around, the scene was all too much for me to bear Grass, we all got to stand in the same judgement
I saw his own black cowboy boots, where did allen woody go and were you there Sugar, the scene was all too much for me to bear
I saw these things come to pass, standing in the sunday suit Sugar, ashes to ashes we all fall down
where did allen woody go and were you there
Carry him along, tell me someone
He fell off his rocking horse and landed in his chair, tell me someone
Someone tell me, carry him along
Ashes to ashes we all fall down, where did allen woody go and were you there, we all got to stand in the same judgement
on the nashville burial ground
I was told with great remorse, nashville grass that the sun burned brown
Nashville grass singing one more song, somewhere down in tennessee
We all got to stand in the same judgement, were you there Grass, somewhere down in tennessee
The scene was all too much for me to bear, standing in the sunday suit Grass, we all got to stand in the same judgement
somewhere down in tennessee
For a lifetime lived and a lifetime spent, were you there Big, i saw his own black cowboy boots
On the nashville burial ground, nashville grass singing one more song
Nashville grass singing one more song, ashes to ashes we all fall down Big, someone tell me
I saw these things come to pass, standing on the nashville grass, nashville grass that the sun burned brown
Tell me someone, someone tell me
nashville grass that the sun burned brown
Nashville grass that the sun burned brown, standing on the nashville grass Nashville, carry him along
Standing in the sunday suit, carry him along
The scene was all too much for me to bear, ashes to ashes we all fall down, for a lifetime lived and a lifetime spent
Nashville grass that the sun burned brown, ashes to ashes we all fall down, i was told with great remorse
Carry him along, we all got to stand in the same judgement
standing in the sunday suit
carry him along
We all got to stand in the same judgement, standing on the nashville grass, nashville grass that the sun burned brown
Ashes to ashes we all fall down, carry him along Grass, i saw these things come to pass
Where did allen woody go and were you there, i saw these things come to pass, on the nashville burial ground
Someone tell me, were you there
Carry him along, nashville grass that the sun burned brown, nashville grass that the sun burned brown
Somewhere down in tennessee, carry him along
Standing under southern skies as i stare, all my good friends, nashville grass that the sun burned brown
carry him along
Where did allen woody go and were you there, for a lifetime lived and a lifetime spent, nashville grass singing one more song
We all got to stand in the same judgement, he fell off his rocking horse and landed in his chair Grass, for a lifetime lived and a lifetime spent
i was told with great remorse
carry him along
gather around
he fell off his rocking horse and landed in his chair
Somewhere down in tennessee, ashes to ashes we all fall down Nashville, on the nashville burial ground
carry him along
were you there