Текст песни
Cadillac dreams, hit the switch
A fine lady moving in her tight jeans, hit the switch
Read the lights in the california skies, hit the switch
Hit the switch, take your time if you wanna get to know me hit the switch
hit the switch
Read the lights in the california skies, move slowly if you wanna get to know me hit the switch
Black lights, cadillac dreams
Hit the switch, black lights
Hit the switch, black lights, cadillac dreams
Read the lights in the california skies, cadillac dreams Nam, cadillac dreams
Read the lights in the california skies, read the lights in the california skies
Black lights, hit the switch
Read the lights in the california skies, cadillac dreams, pack your troubles in the trunk of the limousine
hit the switch
let the stars hidden in your mind glow
Cadillac dreams, cadillac dreams, hit the switch
Pack your troubles in the trunk of the limousine, hit the switch
hit the switch
Read the lights in the california skies, read the lights in the california skies
read the lights in the california skies
Let the stars hidden in your mind glow, a fine lady moving in her tight jeans
Cadillac dreams, let the stars hidden in your mind glow Dreams, cadillac dreams
Cadillac dreams, vack your troubles in the trunk of the limousine
Read the lights in the california skies, cadillac dreams, a fine lady moving in her tight jeans
Read the lights in the california skies, take your time if you wanna get to know me hit the switch Nam, hit the switch
Black lights, read the lights in the california skies, read the lights in the california skies
hit the switch
hit the switch
vack your troubles in the trunk of the limousine
Pack your troubles in the trunk of the limousine, take your time if you wanna get to know me hit the switch
black lights
Hit the switch, hit the switch
Hit the switch, black lights
Black lights, a fine lady moving in her tight jeans
move slowly if you wanna get to know me hit the switch
Cadillac dreams, let the stars hidden in your mind glow, hit the switch
Cadillac dreams, hit the switch, hit the switch
Hit the switch, hit the switch
hit the switch
Read the lights in the california skies, hit the switch
read the lights in the california skies
hit the switch
Hit the switch, read the lights in the california skies, read the lights in the california skies
read the lights in the california skies
hit the switch
Take your time if you wanna get to know me hit the switch, pack your troubles in the trunk of the limousine
Hit the switch, move slowly if you wanna get to know me hit the switch
Hit the switch, cadillac dreams
Take your time if you wanna get to know me hit the switch, take your time if you wanna get to know me hit the switch
Hit the switch, read the lights in the california skies Birdy, pack your troubles in the trunk of the limousine
read the lights in the california skies
Hit the switch, read the lights in the california skies
Hit the switch, vack your troubles in the trunk of the limousine
read the lights in the california skies