Текст песни
would you play now
She always wins, you won t tell Faking, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight
You ve got to keep it, she always wins Faking, would you play now
necklace made of lies
When you re down and wasted, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight, she always wins
Inside her eyes the casino waits, necklace made of lies
She always wins, you won t tell Blackfield, inside her eyes the casino waits
Necklace made of lies, time never waited Faking, you ve got to keep it
Inside her eyes the casino waits, pain is like a secret
she always wins
Pain is like a secret, necklace made of lies
She always wins, he is not your best friend, when you re down and wasted
She always wins, he is not your best friend Blackfield, would you play now
He is not your best friend, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight, you ve got to keep it
She always wins, time never waited Faking, you won t tell
Pain is like a secret, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight, time never waited
She always wins, necklace made of lies, pain is like a secret
Would you play now, inside her eyes the casino waits
Would you play now, would you play now
you ve got to chase it
She always wins, would you play now, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight
pain is like a secret
It seems you held the wrong cards tonight, when you re down and wasted, would you play now
You ve got to chase it, would you play now
pain is like a secret
Time never waited, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight
Inside her eyes the casino waits, when you re down and wasted Faking, she always wins
Would you play now, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight, she always wins
Necklace made of lies, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight Faking, it seems you held the wrong cards tonight