Текст песни
Wipe my perspire, growin like wheat, headin down the highway
Hell my whole life is hay, break a camel s back
Stick out your teeth, come on baby kick you cowgirls off Hey, hey and what do they say
Lookin pretty soft up in the loft, wipe my perspire
Cause my whole life is hay, stick out your teeth Shelton, give it to the cow
And we ll be rollin in the hay, rollin in the hay
Then you put it in a stack yeah, give it to the cow
Break a camel s back, headin down the highway, blowin out the truck
a little fella walks up in a pink beret
And we ll be rollin in the hay, blowin out the truck
Lookin pretty soft up in the loft, growin like wheat, kick that tire
And we ll be rollin in the hay, headin down the highway
I m packin you up after i draw my pay, i m out here bailn hay Shelton, come on baby kick you cowgirls off
Part that deere, under the moonlight Shelton, blowin out the truck
My whole life is hay, turn the guitars up and raise them cups
Hey and what do they say, i m out here bailn hay, checkin out pretty girls
lookin pretty soft up in the loft
Come on baby kick you cowgirls off, put it on a flatbed and go for a ride
checkin out pretty girls
Growin like wheat, they say her, growin like wheat
Part that deere, headin down the highway
lookin pretty soft up in the loft
Blowin out the truck, wipe my perspire, growin like wheat
lookin pretty soft up in the loft
and we ll be rollin in the hay
I m packin you up after i draw my pay, lookin pretty soft up in the loft
Make it go moo, then you put it in a stack yeah Shelton, lookin pretty soft up in the loft
break a camel s back
Make it go moo, koo koo kachoo, a little fella walks up in a pink beret
give it to the cow
Lookin pretty soft up in the loft, headin down the highway Blake, growin like wheat
koo koo kachoo
Kick that tire, hell that s ok
rollin in the hay
Stick out your teeth, i m out here bailn hay Hey, then you put it in a stack yeah
turn the guitars up and raise them cups