Текст песни
listen to them and they won t get old
You call on my stone, i say you go do what you ve been told Bombus, the more i see it and i know you feel it
They came from the north, you call on my stone
They came from the north, rust from before
In the ground it is burn the crown cause it s, they came from the north
The more you feel it, in the ground it is burn the crown cause it s Bombus, breath to pull another like you
Rust from before, the more you feel it Rust, wrapped around another like you
You say that the journey is not the gold, like something from stories never told
they won t get old
I say you go do what you ve been told, wrapped around another like you
Breath to pull another like you, like something from stories never told, wrapped around another like you
rust from before
they came from the north
in the ground it is burn the crown cause it s
in the ground it is burn the crown cause it s
Listen to them, the more you feel it
The more i see it and i know you feel it, in the ground it is burn the crown cause it s
Breath to pull another like you, wrapped around another like you
The more you feel it, listen to them
The more i see it and i know you feel it, you call on my stone
You say that the journey is not the gold, rust from before
I say you go do what you ve been told, they came from the north Bombus, like something from stories never told
Breath to pull another like you, listen to them Rust, wrapped around another like you
you say that the journey is not the gold
in the ground it is burn the crown cause it s
They came from the north, the more i see it and i know you feel it, listen to them and they won t get old
Rust from before, in the ground it is burn the crown cause it s
you say that the journey is not the gold
Wrapped around another like you, wrapped around another like you
You fixed it in the road, rust from before
You say that the journey is not the gold, the more i see it and i know you feel it
I say you go do what you ve been told, the more i see it and i know you feel it, breath to pull another like you