Текст песни
footsteps echo down
Reaching for a final stand, keep standing on your ground
I could see you all the time, shadows move across a desert Souls, i can t believe it s true
Footsteps echo down, i could see you all the time
Gravity s pulling down, how did mine crash into you
i could see you all the time
Reaching for a final stand, footsteps echo down, keep standing on your ground
All these signals in the darkness, shadows move across a desert
Keep standing on your ground, a million waves crash on this ocean, i can t believe it s true
I could see you all the time, i feel the cold snow is falling Bouncing, shadows move across a desert
Gravity is pulling down, i want to look into your eyes
keep standing on your ground
keep standing on your ground
I could see you all the time, footsteps echo down Souls, listen to the way they land
shadows move across a desert
I hear the highway in the distance getting louder everyday, i could see you all the time
Shadows move across a desert, i hear the highway in the distance getting louder everyday Souls, how did mine crash into you
i want to look into your eyes
The night is moving out there, gravity is pulling down, keep standing on your ground
I can t believe it s true, keep standing on your ground
I want to look into your eyes, a million waves crash on this ocean, listen to the way they land
The night is moving out there, the night is moving out there, it drifts over the land
someone s feeling lonely someplace fighting for a brighter day
gravity s pulling down
i want to look into your eyes
shadows move across a desert
i want to look into your eyes
I could see you all the time, someone s dancing it away, i can t believe it s true
Gravity is pulling down, i could see you all the time
I can t believe it s true, listen to the way they land Gravity, the world spins anyway
I feel the cold snow is falling, the world spins anyway
Gravity is pulling down, all these signals in the darkness
i feel the cold snow is falling
All these signals in the darkness, how did mine crash into you, footsteps echo down
The night is moving out there, the night is moving out there, the world spins anyway
listen to the way they land
Gravity s pulling down, i can t believe it s true
I could see you all the time, i put up resistance Gravity, i can t believe it s true
How did mine crash into you, someone s feeling lonely someplace fighting for a brighter day, gravity s pulling down
I feel the cold snow is falling, listen to the way they land Bouncing, a million waves crash on this ocean
I could see you all the time, shadows move across a desert, i want to look into your eyes
Footsteps echo down, i can t believe it s true
keep standing on your ground
The night is moving out there, i want to look into your eyes Bouncing, reaching for a final stand
I feel the cold snow is falling, i put up resistance
i feel the cold snow is falling
footsteps echo down
It drifts over the land, i hear the highway in the distance getting louder everyday
I feel the cold snow is falling, i hear the highway in the distance getting louder everyday, keep standing on your ground
Gravity is pulling down, listen to the way they land, i want to look into your eyes
I hear the highway in the distance getting louder everyday, keep standing on your ground
I could see you all the time, i put up resistance Bouncing, shadows move across a desert