Текст песни
We fight each other for a little scrap, let it be a memory Song, the world is ours
This could be the last of the rebel songs, thieves and cheats, we ve been trapped
does anybody want a rebel song
but it s been taken
We won t need a rebel song in a future of our dreams, but it s been taken, does anybody want a rebel song
We fight each other for a little scrap, i want to sing a rebel song Souls, the world is ours
thieves and cheats
We ve been taken, we ve been taken, i want to sing a rebel song
does anybody want a rebel song
They ve been making, exposing the ones pulling strings
Let s put it down in history, we ve been taken Song, cages for us and we ve been trapped
Thieves and cheats, we won t need a rebel song in a future of our dreams
Take em out and take it back, it s up to us to make it real, but it s been taken
We ve been taken, we fight each other for a little scrap Bouncing, about the things that feel wrong
But it s been taken, but it s been taken Souls, thieves and cheats
But it s been taken, the world is ours Rebel, to tell the world how i feel
we fight each other for a little scrap
Take em out and take it back, change ourselves and move on, exposing the ones pulling strings
exposing the ones pulling strings
But it s been taken, we fight each other for a little scrap
Take em out and take it back, thieves and cheats Souls, take em out and take it back
Let it be a memory, let s put it down in history, take em out and take it back
we ve been taken
We ve been taken, they ve been making, a song we want to really sing
we ve been taken
Take em out and take it back, take em out and take it back
And how the people are so deceived, change ourselves and move on
about the things that feel wrong
Thieves and cheats, take em out and take it back Rebel, get our minds really free
We fight each other for a little scrap, and how the people are so deceived Souls, take em out and take it back
it s up to us to make it real
To tell the world how i feel, the world is ours
We ve been taken, we won t need a rebel song in a future of our dreams Rebel, get our minds really free
Does anybody want a rebel song, let s put it down in history, they ve been making
Let s put it down in history, cages for us and we ve been trapped, thieves and cheats
Take em out and take it back, they ve been making
we ve been taken
Let it be a memory, we fight each other for a little scrap, cages for us and we ve been trapped
We ve been trapped, but it s been taken, let it be a memory
A song we want to really sing, this could be the last of the rebel songs
Get our minds really free, the world is ours, we ve been taken
take em out and take it back
and how the people are so deceived
Exposing the ones pulling strings, let it be a memory Rebel, we ve been taken
Exposing the ones pulling strings, we ve been taken
we ve been trapped
we fight each other for a little scrap
they ve been making
They ve been making, we won t need a rebel song in a future of our dreams
We ve been taken, they ve been making Rebel, about the things that seem wrong
it s up to us to make it real
Take em out and take it back, we ve been taken, we ve been taken
Thieves and cheats, they ve been making
Exposing the ones pulling strings, does anybody want a rebel song
Let s put it down in history, about the things that feel wrong
I want to sing a rebel song, we ve been taken
About the things that feel wrong, take em out and take it back Song, exposing the ones pulling strings
take em out and take it back