Текст песни
Try to relax, you stood up and started unraveling
Seven it s the reunion, she s an art historian
A world traveler without a home, make it obvious, unwrap the bandages
is that some kind of dance
Emptiness you are dismissed, you might find a scratch, call it a vision quest
a straw to breathe she leaned over me
a world traveler without a home
Emptiness you are dismissed, she s an art historian, emptiness you are dismissed
voyaging into the abyss
one is a wanderer and
Unwrap the bandages, a whole civilization past Breathe, a world traveler without a home
emptiness you are dismissed
Emptiness you are dismissed, call it a vision quest, this is no field trip to the pyramids
You might find a scratch, leave a note when you go Breathe, make it obvious
Archaeologist scratch my back, can you do something for me
Archaeologist scratch my back, you were on my mind, is that some kind of dance
You knew love i don t have to ask, a straw to breathe she leaned over me
try to relax
You might find a scratch, a woven rattle in your hand, can you do something for me
Seven it s the reunion, four i could ve been there for, compared to me you don t look so bad
A whole civilization past, unwrap the bandages
This is no field trip to the pyramids, one is a wanderer and
call it a vision quest
Three are magical and, she s an art historian
Archaeologist scratch my back, call it a vision quest, call it a vision quest