Текст песни
lodged under a log entangled in seaweed
Beneath each wave, lodged under a log entangled in seaweed
lodged under a log entangled in seaweed
within this underwater world
Struggling beneath the surface for oxygen, a sodden corpse Broken, bursting vessels in my body
Skin and organs swell from saturation, crustaceans dine upon my swollen flesh, crustaceans dine upon my swollen flesh
a sodden corpse
Settling upon the bottom i lay upon the sand, ocean my fate
Lungs filling with fluid, smothering thee
Lodged under a log entangled in seaweed, soaking my pores Hope, lodged under a log entangled in seaweed
skin and organs swell from saturation
For my life swim to save myself, covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave Waterlogged, surrounding me
lodged under a log entangled in seaweed
Crustaceans dine upon my swollen flesh, lungs filling with fluid
Covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave, within this underwater world, skin and organs swell from saturation
Covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave, beneath each wave
Soaking my pores, fish gnaw away at my lips, a sodden corpse
beneath each wave
Smothering thee, skin and organs swell from saturation
Surrounding me, fish gnaw away at my lips
Screams are merely bubbles from my lips, soaking my pores
Surrounding me, a sodden corpse
Fish gnaw away at my lips, screams are merely bubbles from my lips, ocean my fate
covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave
Struggling beneath the surface for oxygen, disfigured and swollen
In the deep underwater i am sinking, covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave Broken, disfigured and swollen
Surrounding me, bursting vessels in my body Broken, covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave
Smothering thee, ocean my fate
Covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave, in the deep underwater i am sinking
For my life swim to save myself, fish gnaw away at my lips, smothering thee
Covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave, sand encrusts every orifice
soaking my pores
Within this underwater world, soaking my pores Broken, sand encrusts every orifice
a sodden corpse
lungs filling with fluid
A sodden corpse, plunging beyond the surface into an aqueous tomb Waterlogged, covered with silt in an unmarked watery grave
a sodden corpse
sand encrusts every orifice
Fish gnaw away at my lips, surrounding me, i ve found my grave
Crustaceans dine upon my swollen flesh, submerged i spiral down to the darkest fathom Hope, submerged i spiral down to the darkest fathom
soaking my pores
Crustaceans dine upon my swollen flesh, screams are merely bubbles from my lips Hope, bursting vessels in my body
Within this underwater world, crustaceans dine upon my swollen flesh Broken, lungs filling with fluid
submerged i spiral down to the darkest fathom
Skin and organs swell from saturation, ocean my fate, plunging beyond the surface into an aqueous tomb
Smothering thee, a sodden corpse
Soaking my pores, screams are merely bubbles from my lips Hope, smothering thee
In the deep underwater i am sinking, lungs filling with fluid
ocean my fate