Текст песни
Sick city in your mind, mirrored buildings reflecting in your eyes Buzzcocks, sick city left you way behind
when you don t know who you are
And you get into a fight, when you don t know who you are
And it tries to kill us all, and it tries to kill us all, sick city left you way behind
Side by side with the man in the big car, sick city left you way behind
Sick city sometimes, side by side with the man in the big car, sick city left you way behind
Throught the paper and the trash, and it tries to kill us all Buzzcocks, sick city sometimes
Now the buildings take a fall, and it tries to kill us all, mirrored buildings reflecting in your eyes
Sick city sometimes, all the needles and the cash Buzzcocks, and you re walking with a scar
sick city left you way behind
sick city in your mind
And the blades run down your back like superstars, sick city sometimes
Now the buildings take a fall, sick city left you way behind
Sick city sometimes, sick city sometimes, mirrored buildings reflecting in your eyes
sick city left you way behind
When you don t know who you are, sick city left you way behind City, when you don t know who you are
Sick city sometimes, in the name of something zero in your mind, sick city sometimes
Sick city sometimes, sick city sometimes
Sick city sometimes, sick city sometimes, now the buildings take a fall
sick city left you way behind
And it tries to kill us all, and you re walking with a scar
Sick city in your mind, and the blades run down your back like superstars
in the name of something zero in your mind
sick city sometimes
it s a complicated day
Sick city sometimes, sick city sometimes, sick city in your mind
sick city sometimes
Sick city in your mind, and the blades run down your back like superstars
When you don t know who you are, sick city in your mind, throught the paper and the trash
Side by side with the man in the big car, sick city sometimes
Sick city sometimes, sick city in your mind Buzzcocks, sick city sometimes
Sick city sometimes, all the needles and the cash
Sick city in your mind, sick city in your mind, sick city left you way behind
And you get into a fight, sick city sometimes
when you don t know who you are
Busy people on their way, sick city in your mind
sick city in your mind
And the blades run down your back like superstars, sick city sometimes, sick city sometimes
And you get into a fight, busy people on their way, sick city sometimes
sick city sometimes
sick city sometimes
sick city left you way behind
Sick city left you way behind, sick city in your mind
all the needles and the cash
Sick city sometimes, sick city sometimes
Sick city in your mind, in the places that are breaking down your mind
it s a complicated day