Текст песни
Over and out, over and out
You ll get the best of me, you ll get a taste of me, this is not the way it had to be
With no resurrection, i break the connection &, over my dead body
Think your one in a billion, over and out
Over and out, over and out
Over and out, over and out Over, this is not the world you promised me this is not the world
Your just the crooked kind, your just the crooked kind
You ll get the best of me, over and out, so face what you left behind
we don t need one more catastrophe
Over and out, with no resurrection Out, over and out
think your one in a billion
This is not the world you promised me, over and out Out, over and out
We don t need one more catastrophe, this is not the way it had to be this is not the way, over and out
i break the connection
with no resurrection
with no resurrection
Think your one in a billion, over and out, this is not the world you promised me
this is not the world you promised me this is not the world
How d things get so complicated, over my dead body, over and out
Over and out, over and out
Over and out, this is not the world you promised me, over and out
Over and out, we don t need one more catastrophe, over and out
Over and out, over and out, this is not the world you promised me
When they ve severed my senses, you ll get a taste of me
Over and out, we don t need one more catastrophe
So face what you left behind, with no resurrection, over and out
over and out
Over and out, this is not the world you promised me
With no resurrection, this is not the way it had to be, this is not the way it had to be
so face what you left behind
your just the crooked kind
i break the connection
Over and out, with no resurrection