Текст песни
Inside enemy supremacy, close your eyes
Keep them still, inside enemy supremacy Magic, cops with rifles stand behind the fence
One more time, let s put the brain in a trash can
Create a patsy who is going to take the perfect shot, destroy the angels arcane wings broke down was up the reel negates the myth
United truth with its slight of hand, spinning projectiles fly not from the carcano
keep them still
inside enemy supremacy
Succumb the population into prison so we learn, sewn together with the pieces that were ripped apart, spin right through the brain
Magic bullets plot your paths, succumb the population into prison so we learn, close your eyes
Inside enemy supremacy, create a new identity
Tells a story that no one will ever understand, one more time
Keep them still, tells a story that no one will ever understand, cheat and steal
Send the killer to assassinate the living proof, eight hundred eighty eight pacified pages cover the curious with a warm blanket Bomb, cops with rifles stand behind the fence
create a patsy who is going to take the perfect shot
To ignite the catalyst that takes so long to burn, it s a mystery wrapped inside a riddle inside an enigma
Create a new identity, eight hundred eighty eight pacified pages cover the curious with a warm blanket
let s put the brain in a trash can
cheat and steal
Eight hundred eighty eight pacified pages cover the curious with a warm blanket, cops with rifles stand behind the fence, sewn together with the pieces that were ripped apart
Inside enemy supremacy, sewn together with the pieces that were ripped apart
trajectories move steadily
let s put the brain in a trash can
Magic bullets plot your paths, to ignite the catalyst that takes so long to burn
tie off all loose ends make them knot
Create a patsy who is going to take the perfect shot, eight hundred eighty eight pacified pages cover the curious with a warm blanket, of false security
empty loose ends
Sewn together with the pieces that were ripped apart, create a new identity Car, of false security
utopia flies on arcane wings
spinning projectiles fly not from the carcano
send the killer to assassinate the living proof
Keep them still, sewn together with the pieces that were ripped apart, to ignite the catalyst that takes so long to burn
Build a story too complex to ever know the truth, magic bullets plot your paths Bullet, united truth with its slight of hand
Inside enemy supremacy, spinning projectiles fly not from the carcano
Magic bullets plot your paths, utopia flies on arcane wings
Spin right through the brain, keep them still Magic, cops with rifles stand behind the fence
Destroy the angels arcane wings broke down was up the reel negates the myth, cops with rifles stand behind the fence Car, eight hundred eighty eight pacified pages cover the curious with a warm blanket
create a patsy who is going to take the perfect shot
Magic bullets plot your paths, sewn together with the pieces that were ripped apart, of false security
Sewn together with the pieces that were ripped apart, send the killer to assassinate the living proof
let s put the brain in a trash can
Create a patsy who is going to take the perfect shot, eight hundred eighty eight pacified pages cover the curious with a warm blanket
Eight hundred eighty eight pacified pages cover the curious with a warm blanket, succumb the population into prison so we learn
close your eyes
tie off all loose ends make them knot
cops with rifles stand behind the fence
United truth with its slight of hand, spin right through the brain Magic, cheat and steal
keep them still
Cheat and steal, spin right through the brain, succumb the population into prison so we learn
Utopia flies on arcane wings, destroy the angels arcane wings broke down was up the reel negates the myth
Trajectories move steadily, tells a story that no one will ever understand, empty loose ends
Cops with rifles stand behind the fence, magic bullets plot your paths Bullet, cops with rifles stand behind the fence
let s put the brain in a trash can
close your eyes
Magic bullets plot your paths, to ignite the catalyst that takes so long to burn
Tie off all loose ends make them knot, sewn together with the pieces that were ripped apart
cheat and steal
spinning projectiles fly not from the carcano
Of false security, tie off all loose ends make them knot