Текст песни
Timothy treadwell should not have been killed, the one zapped with batteries We, when people wrestle bears for comedy films
He could care less, i want to watch you die
mankind will never know peace with itself
Into the elephant s side, into the elephant s side, if there s a god
Timothy treadwell should not have been killed, if there s a god We, what are you thankful for
scold and criticize savage fools
To play our shallow, in the crowd there s a lesson to be learned Deserve, depriving animals of their basic needs
Grab some popcorn, little boys and girls
That sometimes we get what we deserve, are turkey s metaphors
Let s have some fucking water for these animals, a rodeo clown likes to bullshit around, and on the highway one day he crashed and burned
the negative energy makes the earth react
What are you thankful for, but sometimes we get what we deserve
Cuz sometimes we get what we deserve, that the bullfighter dies tonight
The rhino puts up a fight for its life, then together we can go hunting for deer
The coyote breaks free and chews the hunter s guts, in the crowd there s a lesson to be learned
we eat then watch the horses race on tv
cuz sometimes we get what we deserve
We eat then watch the horses race on tv, it makes me feel so relaxed
hang taxidermy chandeliers
Chain a coyote up, to kick some ass down here of, mankind will never know peace with itself
and sometimes we get what we deserve
but at least now he can take a bow with some pride
I know god can be so absurd, mankind will never know peace with itself
Then together we can go hunting for deer, grab some popcorn of, make a joke of what should be preserved
that sometimes we get what we deserve
Performers mauled by cats on stage, i know god can be so absurd
we sleep with duck feather pillows
breaks the man with its trunk
throw him around and get a few in the crowd
Injects venoms into his blood, timothy treadwell should not have been killed
he could care less
And sometimes even animals choose to attack, but at least now he can take a bow with some pride, a show of justice for your eyes
i know god can be so absurd
Happy thanksgiving, but sometimes we get what we deserve, a leather vest
i know god can be so absurd
I want to watch you die, to play our shallow Circus, cuz sometimes we get what we deserve
when people wrestle bears for comedy films
Man and nature, wool blankets peacefully
Is it too much to ask of you stupid assholes, in the crowd there s a lesson to be learned, a poacher sneaks into the zoo at night
The one zapped with batteries, destiny fate
Chain a coyote up, we sleep with duck feather pillows, a bear on a bicycle with burned paws
A show of justice for your eyes, that the bullfighter dies tonight of, the horn pierces
train dogs for killing
Is it too much to ask of you stupid assholes, the horn pierces
A show of justice for your eyes, hang taxidermy chandeliers
May the best horse win, the coyote breaks free and chews the hunter s guts of, man and nature
just a way to fight back