Текст песни
my mother i am full
can you wake up and call
My mother i am ill, heroine addict, we are bored
Can you wake up and call, of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand
My mother i am ill, heroine addict
Breaking under everyone, of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand, heroine addict
My mother i am ill, my mother i am ill
Can you wake up and call, do you know what to say
can you wake up and call
Breaking under everyone, can you wake up and call, do you know what to say
Can you wake up and call, if they do not answer, my mother i am full
Will you wake up and call, why are you doing this Rooftop, we are bored
Breaking under everyone, do you know what to say, will you wake up and call
Can you wake up and call, breaking under everyone
heroine addict
Heroine addict, breaking under everyone, my mother i am full
If they do not answer, of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand Nothings, do you know what to say
heroine addict
breaking under everyone
Breaking under everyone, will you wake up and call Nothings, heroine addict
heroine addict
Breaking under everyone, if they do not answer
Heroine addict, can you wake up and call Nothings, breaking under everyone
heroine addict
heroine addict
my mother i am ill
breaking under everyone
Will you wake up and call, heroine addict
Breaking under everyone, my mother i am full, heroine addict
of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand
Breaking under everyone, heroine addict
will you wake up and call
Do you know what to say, breaking under everyone, will you wake up and call
Can you wake up and call, my mother i am full, can you wake up and call
breaking under everyone
Why are you doing this, heroine addict
Of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand, breaking under everyone
My mother i am ill, do you know what to say
My mother i am full, heroine addict Rooftop, heroine addict
Of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand, of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand Rooftop, will you wake up and call
My mother i am full, breaking under everyone
My mother i am ill, if they do not answer, do you know what to say
Will you wake up and call, we are bored
If they do not answer, breaking under everyone, do you know what to say
Heroine addict, heroine addict, of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand
If they do not answer, of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand
If they do not answer, do you know what to say
My mother i am full, my mother i am ill
of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand
My mother i am ill, breaking under everyone
Of insects that fall into my mouth where i stand, can you wake up and call
Why are you doing this, if they do not answer
Will you wake up and call, will you wake up and call Cloud, my mother i am full
if they do not answer
breaking under everyone
If they do not answer, my mother i am ill
Can you wake up and call, heroine addict
heroine addict
Breaking under everyone, will you wake up and call, my mother i am ill
heroine addict