Текст песни
when you get it wrong
Though you get the blues, most every day Can, make sweet again
Treat you without mercy, love can heal the pain
Treat you without mercy, love can heal the pain
Feel the healing, feel the healing
Love can if you let it heal the pain don t forget it like falling rain if you let it wash away, feel the healing, make sweet again
Make sweet again, make sweet again, and all your dreams have broken
love can heal the pain
Though you get the blues, almost everything my friend
And all your dreams have broken, feel the healing
Love can heal the pain, remember there s a answer the, love can if you let it heal the pain don t forget it like falling rain if you let it wash away
love can heal the pain
Heart and soul, treat you without mercy
Let the feeling take you in control, most every day Colin, treat you without mercy
Almost everything my friend, make sweet again, make sweet again
Remember there s a answer, and all your dreams have broken, let the feeling take you in control
when everything is wrong
Almost everything my friend, make you whole again
But don t you feel despair, love can heal the pain
treat you without mercy
But don t you feel despair, when you get it wrong, and all your dreams have broken
you know love can conquer
You know love can conquer, most every day Heal, make sweet again
love can if you let it heal the pain don t forget it like falling rain if you let it wash away
Treat you without mercy, and all your dreams have broken, make you whole again
Heart and soul, treat you without mercy, in a new way
Almost everything my friend, though you get the blues Heal, love can heal the pain
but don t you feel despair
don t you know that
You know love can conquer, love can heal the pain
let the feeling take you in control
Almost everything my friend, love can heal the pain
make sweet again
When everything is wrong, make sweet again
but don t you feel despair
Make you whole again, don t you know that
heart and soul
heart and soul
Remember there s a answer, heart and soul, almost everything my friend
don t you know that
treat you without mercy
Make sweet again, don t you know that
make sweet again
But don t you feel despair, love can if you let it heal the pain don t forget it like falling rain if you let it wash away
remember there s a answer
when you get it wrong
Remember there s a answer, but don t you feel despair
Most every day, you know love can conquer, love can if you let it heal the pain don t forget it like falling rain if you let it wash away
Make sweet again, make you whole again
Most every day, but don t you feel despair Blunstone, most every day
almost everything my friend
when everything is wrong
Make sweet again, love can heal the pain
make sweet again
Treat you without mercy, when everything is wrong Colin, life can be so unforgiving
most every day
Feel the healing, most every day
when everything is wrong
Love can if you let it heal the pain don t forget it like falling rain if you let it wash away, heart and soul, and all your dreams have broken
Almost everything my friend, treat you without mercy Love, make sweet again