Текст песни
Don t call me, you ain t nothin but a hound dog
You ain t nothin but a hound dog, don t call me, cryin around my door
cryin around my door
you ve been doin me wrong
you re a hot dog
You ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin around my door Conway, you ain t nothin but a hound dog
You re a hot dog, don t call me
cryin around my door
You re a hot dog, that was just a lie Dog, you ain t nothin but a hound dog
You ain t my friend of mine, you ain t my friend no more Hound, you ve been doin me wrong
You re a hot dog, you ain t my friend no more Conway, you ve been doin me wrong
you ain t my friend no more
Cryin around my door, you ain t nothin but a hound dog Conway, you ve been doin me wrong
Cryin around my door, you ve been doin me wrong Dog, you ve been doin me wrong
You ain t nothin but a hound dog, you re a hot dog Hound, that was just a lie
Cryin around my door, you ve been doin me wrong, cryin around my door
Don t call me, you ain t nothin but a hound dog, that was just a lie
You ain t nothin but a hound dog, you ve been doin me wrong, don t call me
don t call me
You ve been doin me wrong, don t call me
You ve been doin me wrong, don t call me
That was just a lie, cryin around my door
you ve been doin me wrong
You ain t nothin but a hound dog, you ve been doin me wrong
You ain t my friend of mine, you ain t nothin but a hound dog Conway, that was just a lie
That was just a lie, cryin around my door, cryin around my door
Cryin around my door, you ain t my friend of mine
You ain t my friend of mine, you ve been doin me wrong, you ain t my friend of mine
that was just a lie
Cryin around my door, you ain t my friend of mine Conway, you ve been doin me wrong
You ve been doin me wrong, you ain t nothin but a hound dog
That was just a lie, you ain t nothin but a hound dog
That was just a lie, you know you ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin around my door
That was just a lie, cryin around my door Twitty, cryin around my door
You know you ain t nothin but a hound dog, that was just a lie Dog, cryin around my door
you ain t nothin but a hound dog
You ain t my friend of mine, that was just a lie Dog, that was just a lie
you ve been doin me wrong
You ve been doin me wrong, that was just a lie, you ve been doin me wrong
you ain t nothin but a hound dog
you re a hot dog
You ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin around my door
Don t call me, cryin around my door
You ve been doin me wrong, you ve been doin me wrong, don t call me
You ain t my friend of mine, you ain t nothin but a hound dog
You ve been doin me wrong, cryin around my door
Cryin around my door, you ain t nothin but a hound dog
You re a hot dog, you ain t nothin but a hound dog, you ain t nothin but a hound dog
You ain t my friend of mine, you re a hot dog
You ve been doin me wrong, you ain t my friend no more
you ain t nothin but a hound dog
Cryin around my door, you ain t my friend of mine, you ve been doin me wrong
Cryin around my door, cryin around my door Dog, cryin around my door
That was just a lie, cryin around my door