Текст песни
water over rock will take its toll
And we are standing at the funeral pyre, the youngest of them all
and we are waiting at the rocks piled high
Like a man and his wife who just couldn t understand, water over rock will take its toll
pray back the tide that rolls
Pray back the tide that rolls, round the tombstones of reason
like the life of a friend and her wheels on a bus
there are things in a life that bigger than us all
like the gunned down victims in my school house hall
There are things in a life that bigger than us all, round the tombstones of reason Courier, water over rock will take its toll
There are things in a life that are bigger than the world, pray back the tide that rolls Thin, water over rock will take its toll
there are things for them that are bigger than us
She stood but three feet tall, pray back the tide that rolls Courier, and we are waiting at the rocks piled high
the youngest of them all
there things for us that are bigger than them
pray back the tide that rolls
The youngest of them all, pray back the tide that rolls
And the pain in her hands coin in god we trust, she stood but three feet tall
Why i stabbed him in the back, there are things in a life that bigger than us all
And the weapons i made, like the gunned down victims in my school house hall
Round the tombstones of reason, water over rock will take my soul, and the pain in her hands coin in god we trust
And we are waiting at the rocks piled high, there are things in a life that bigger than us all
There are things in a life that are bigger than the world, and we are waiting at the rocks piled high, water over rock will take my soul
there are things for them that are bigger than us
There are things in a life that bigger than us all, water over rock will take its toll
Like a man and his wife who just couldn t understand, and we are waiting at the rocks piled high, there are things in a life that bigger than us all
Why i stabbed him in the back, water over rock will take my soul Thin, pray back the tide that rolls
pray back the tide that rolls
Why i stabbed him in the back, and we are waiting at the rocks piled high, where their ashes are burning
where their ashes are burning
To sacrifice one for ten, and we are standing at the funeral pyre, there are things in a life that are bigger than the world
Pray back the tide that rolls, water over rock will take my soul Thin, why i stabbed him in the back
To sacrifice one for ten, there are things in a life that bigger than us all
To sacrifice one for ten, pray back the tide that rolls
And we are waiting at the rocks piled high, to sacrifice one for ten Courier, like the life of a friend and her wheels on a bus
Round the tombstones of reason, pray back the tide that rolls, to sacrifice one for ten
and the gun in her hand i left with a bottle of pills
and we are standing at the funeral pyre
To sacrifice one for ten, pray back the tide that rolls, like the life of a friend and her wheels on a bus
And we are standing at the funeral pyre, like a man and his wife who just couldn t understand
Where their ashes are burning, pray back the tide that rolls
there things for us that are bigger than them
There are things in a life that bigger than us all, water over rock will take its toll, like the day-to-day battle tween a boy and a girl
She stood but three feet tall, there are things for them that are bigger than us, like the gunned down victims in my school house hall
There are things in the world that are bigger than a man, to sacrifice one for ten
like the lives and the courage of their women and their men
to sacrifice one for ten
Round the tombstones of reason, where their ashes are burning, and the gun in her hand i left with a bottle of pills
Water over rock will take my soul, water over rock will take my soul, where their ashes are burning
And the weapons i made, like the gunned down victims in my school house hall Courier, and the pain in her hands coin in god we trust
There are things for them that are bigger than us, there are things in the world that are bigger than a man
To sacrifice one for ten, she stood but three feet tall
There are things for them that are bigger than us, where their ashes are burning
pray back the tide that rolls
and we are waiting at the rocks piled high
And we are standing at the funeral pyre, why i stabbed him in the back
like a man and his wife who just couldn t understand