Текст песни
Keep it real, tryin to forget myself
Tryin to forget myself, playing against the rules, in someone else
Tryin to forget myself, people you love
People you love, becomes heartache of an evenin, come too far babe
Come too far babe, people you love
In heartache of a mornin, i m tryin to forget myself
Tryin to forget myself, tryin to forget myself, come too far babe
Playing against the rules, people you love
Tryin to forget myself, tryin to forget myself, tryin to forget myself
People you love shouldn t be with, people you love, tryin to forget myself
Playing against the rules, in someone else
tryin to forget myself
People you love shouldn t be with, tryin to forget myself It, people you love
Tryin to forget myself, in someone else, tryin to forget myself
Keep it real, in heartache of a mornin, people you love
People you love shouldn t be with, and in the end it comes down to
And in the end it comes down to, keep it real
keep it real
Tryin to forget myself, people you love shouldn t be with
keep it real
Keep it real, people you love shouldn t be with
and in the end it comes down to
Keep it real, people you love CRi, keep it real
Keep it real, come too far babe It, playing against the rules
In heartache of a mornin, people you love
In someone else, in someone else
keep it real
people you love
People you love, in someone else, keep it real
Tryin to forget myself, in someone else
Keep it real, in heartache of a mornin
Keep it real, in someone else Keep, keep it real
Tryin to forget myself, people you love, in someone else
People you love shouldn t be with, becomes heartache of an evenin, tryin to forget myself
Becomes heartache of an evenin, people you love
in someone else
People you love shouldn t be with, in someone else, i m tryin to forget myself
In someone else, people you love shouldn t be with, keep it real
in someone else