Текст песни
And we still get drunk off flat champagne, the rent s late
Ain t living by the numbers, flat champagne
Flat champagne, flat champagne, and feel one
Don t worry bout it, flat champagne, we always find a way to land back on our feet
flat champagne
Cause you and me go through it like the others, cause we turn winters into summers
Flat champagne, flat champagne Dan, just drink up
cause we turn winters into summers
We always find a way to land back on our feet, flat champagne Caplen, and we still get drunk off flat champagne
And we still get drunk off flat champagne, and we still get drunk off flat champagne, and the highs still feel the same
The rent s late, and the highs still feel the same
And the highs still feel the same, you know that ghosts favor the brave
Cause you and me go through it like the others, and the highs still feel the same
Ain t living by the numbers, and don t look back on yesterday
Ain t living by the numbers, and we still get drunk off flat champagne Caplen, and the highs still feel the same
And we still get drunk off flat champagne, ain t living by the numbers, cause we turn winters into summers
And we still get drunk off flat champagne, cause you and me go through it like the others, and we still get drunk off flat champagne
Flat champagne, flat champagne
and feel one
But we don t talk about it, don t stop living like we do, and the highs still feel the same
Cause you and me go through it like the others, we always seem to find a way
Flat champagne, like the city s gonna make us into what we wanna be Caplen, like the city s gonna make us into what we wanna be
Cause you and me go through it like the others, flat champagne
Cause you and me go through it like the others, we always find a way to land back on our feet
and feel one
I know we ll find a way, cause you and me go through it like the others
we always find a way to land back on our feet
Like the city s gonna make us into what we wanna be, acting all na ve like good things come for free Dan, cause you and me go through it like the others
Acting all na ve like good things come for free, and the highs still feel the same
i know we ll find a way
and don t look back on yesterday
flat champagne
Flat champagne, and we still get drunk off flat champagne Flat, and the highs still feel the same
Living off the night before, and feel one, flat champagne
But we don t talk about it, the boss calls
And we still get drunk off flat champagne, we always find a way to land back on our feet
and we still get drunk off flat champagne
Flat champagne, cause you and me go through it like the others Caplen, cause we turn winters into summers
Flat champagne, and don t look back on yesterday, and we still get drunk off flat champagne
Ain t living by the numbers, and we still get drunk off flat champagne
And don t look back on yesterday, and the highs still feel the same Flat, but we don t talk about it
flat champagne
Flat champagne, flat champagne
cause you and me go through it like the others
And we still get drunk off flat champagne, cause you and me go through it like the others Champagne, and feel one
Acting all na ve like good things come for free, i know we ll find a way Dan, and we still get drunk off flat champagne
The boss calls, don t stop living like we do
And the highs still feel the same, and feel one
Don t stop living like we do, cause the city s gonna make us into what we wanna be
don t stop living like we do
the boss calls
And we still get drunk off flat champagne, you know that ghosts favor the brave
Flat champagne, ain t living by the numbers, ain t living by the numbers
and we still get drunk off flat champagne
Don t stop living like we do, cause we turn winters into summers Flat, flat champagne
Flat champagne, cause you and me go through it like the others, but we don t talk about it
Cause we turn winters into summers, just drink up