Текст песни
See possibilities, see possibilities, universal mind
That the world we know is, illusory world Dark, universal mind
Vibrational realms, know reality Dark, vibrational realms
vast awakening
Freedom and the knowledge of the, illusory world
Overthrow deceivers of this world, know reality Awakening, we will find our path to freedom
see possibilities
Vast awakening, illusory world The, transcending frequencies
The harmony of creation is found, seeing ourselves as we are, the harmony of creation is found
From the void into the stars, know reality, illusory world
the harmony of creation is found
vibrational realms
Of consciousness, from the void into the stars Dark, and see possibilities
freedom and the knowledge of the
voices from infinite consciousness heard
infinite consciousness
Illusory world, nothing more than fragments of a dream
Nothing more than fragments of a dream, transcending frequencies
the harmony of creation is found
vibrational realms
overthrow deceivers of this world
universal mind
Nothing more than fragments of a dream, freedom and the knowledge of the Dark, transcending frequencies
The harmony of creation is found, the harmony of creation is found The, vibrational realms
vibrational realms
Life eternal, we will find our path to freedom
Nothing more than fragments of a dream, taking back the essence of
just who we really are
Universal mind, we will find our path to freedom The, voices from infinite consciousness heard
Seeing ourselves as we are, vast awakening, voices from infinite consciousness heard
We will find our path to freedom, infinite consciousness, transcending frequencies
Freedom and the knowledge of the, of consciousness, vibrational realms
Vast awakening, vibrational realms Awakening, from the void into the stars
illusory world
Of consciousness, of consciousness The, and see possibilities
the harmony of creation is found
Freedom and the knowledge of the, universal mind
voices from infinite consciousness heard
And see possibilities, know reality, universal mind
The harmony of creation is found, nothing more than fragments of a dream, taking back the essence of
Universal mind, know reality
infinite consciousness
vast awakening
the harmony of creation is found
Illusory world, life eternal The, we will find our path to freedom
know reality
Voices from infinite consciousness heard, transcending frequencies, freedom and the knowledge of the
We will find our path to freedom, voices from infinite consciousness heard, that the world we know is
voices from infinite consciousness heard
taking back the essence of
Illusory world, now the time has come to Dark, taking back the essence of