Текст песни
Sleep in heavenly peace, remember this christmas
christmas is a birthday
Silent night, christmas is his birthday
And this ist he day you can all celebrate, all is bright
glories stream from heaven afar
Mother and child, sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace, silent night David, heavenly hosts sing alleluia
Christmas is a celebration, remember this christmas Night, shepherds quake at the sight
mother and child
sleep in heavenly peace
Christ the savior is born, sleep in heavenly peace
Round yon virgin, holy infant so tender and mild David, sleep in heavenly peace
Round yon virgin, sleep in heavenly peace Night, christ the savior is born
Heavenly hosts sing alleluia, christmas is his birthday
Because we get all these honours, sleep in heavenly peace, mother and child
sleep in heavenly peace
Christmas is a birthday, christ the savior is born David, sleep in heavenly peace
Because he will always be there for us, this is the day that jesus christ was born
Mother and child, glories stream from heaven afar Night, sleep in heavenly peace
Because he will always be there for us, round yon virgin David, glories stream from heaven afar
Christmas is his birthday, sleep in heavenly peace
this is the day that jesus christ was born
Sleep in heavenly peace, silent night
Shepherds quake at the sight, and this ist he day you can all celebrate
Christ the savior is born, silent night Night, remember this christmas
Silent night, round yon virgin
Remember this christmas, remember this christmas, christmas is his birthday
glories stream from heaven afar
Sleep in heavenly peace, because we get all these honours, sleep in heavenly peace
silent night
Remember this christmas, shepherds quake at the sight
Mother and child, sleep in heavenly peace David, christ the savior is born
Because we get all these honours, heavenly hosts sing alleluia David, silent night
Christ the savior is born, silent night
Silent night, heavenly hosts sing alleluia Night, sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace, glories stream from heaven afar
Mother and child, christmas is a celebration
This is the day that jesus christ was born, remember this christmas, christmas is a celebration
because we get all these honours
Christmas is a celebration, sleep in heavenly peace
christ the savior is born
Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace, because he will always be there for us
Glories stream from heaven afar, and this ist he day you can all celebrate Silent, remember this christmas
Sleep in heavenly peace, all is bright Hasselhoff, christmas is a celebration
Christmas is his birthday, christ the savior is born
This is the day that jesus christ was born, sleep in heavenly peace
holy infant so tender and mild
Shepherds quake at the sight, because he will always be there for us
Silent night, christmas is his birthday, christmas is a celebration
Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace Hasselhoff, christ the savior is born
sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace, silent night Silent, sleep in heavenly peace
Because we get all these honours, sleep in heavenly peace
silent night
christ the savior is born