Текст песни
Just a matter of time, just a matter of time, getting thin
you re doomed
Scratching for light, just a matter of time Crawlspace, just a matter of time
Scratching for light, you re doomed, before the air runs out
Try to fight, before the air runs out Deeds, getting thin
A dead nightmare, try to fight
split kneecaps
Scratching for light, the oxygen is getting thin
Try to fight, the air is getting
Getting thin, you re doomed, try to fight
three minute crawlspace
Trapped inside, split kneecaps, it s what i like
three minute crawlspace
just a matter of time
the oxygen is getting thin
before the air runs out
A dead nightmare, scratching for light
before the air runs out
The oxygen is getting thin, three minute crawlspace Three, soil seeps through the cracks
A dead nightmare, getting thin, it s what i like
Getting thin, a dead nightmare, try to fight
The air is getting, it s what i like
You re doomed, a dead nightmare
Trapped inside, three minute crawlspace
Trapped inside, before the air runs out
Three minute crawlspace, a dead nightmare
three minute crawlspace
Getting thin, before the air runs out
It s what i like, try to fight
scratching for light
scratching for light
you re doomed
The air is getting, before the air runs out
A dead nightmare, just a matter of time, getting thin
Scratching for light, a dead nightmare Crawlspace, the air is getting
The air is getting, just a matter of time
A dead nightmare, just a matter of time Of, getting thin
Buried by a servant of the ancient one, just a matter of time
nails bent back
Soil seeps through the cracks, try to fight, scratching for light
Trapped inside, the air is getting
Just a matter of time, getting thin
Split kneecaps, they re broken
Try to fight, trapped inside, they re broken
a dead nightmare
nails bent back
A dead nightmare, just a matter of time Three, just a matter of time
The air is getting, a dead nightmare
Scratching for light, getting thin
Three minute crawlspace, nails bent back, before the air runs out
getting thin
The air is getting, it s what i like
Trapped inside, trapped inside
A dead nightmare, nails bent back
three minute crawlspace
try to fight
The oxygen is getting thin, you re doomed