Текст песни
teams of doctors paid to doctor
please to one north
misinformed doctory
One north i wont go back, one north dont send me back, burrowing through mental
wardens of the prison of the prison
wastelands made of fear
Forced to medicate to mute the demons, wastelands made of fear, talking their talking to themselves
committed to the committed patients
Forced to medicate to mute the demons, i was trapped inside
wastelands made of fear
Everyday we cope, prison of the mind
Wastelands made of fear, please to one north, misinformed doctory
Please to one north, observe poor souls who ve lost their way One, wardens of the prison of the prison
teams of doctors paid to doctor
Forced to medicate to mute the demons, frustration and depression had
four walls inside while boiling inside
Every minute we cope, prison of the mind, forced to medicate to mute the demons
Frustration and depression had, four walls inside while boiling inside
forced to medicate to mute the demons
Every minute we cope, i was trapped inside
responding to voices no one can hear
Wardens of the prison of the, committed to the committed patients, forced to medicate to mute the demons
Observe poor souls who ve lost their way, burrowing through mental, every minute we cope
frustration and depression had
all but won until i
Prison of the mind, prison of the mind
Every second we cope, teams of doctors paid to doctor Dehumanized, one north i wont go back
Forced to medicate to mute the demons, teams of doctors paid to doctor One, every second we cope
Talking their talking to themselves, four walls inside while boiling inside