Текст песни
Safe and alone, time for you to lead your fate
let go of your will
You re separated from this world, mold the clay once more as darkness surrounds you
cry your tears of regret
Safe and alone, what lies ahead is nothing
Mold the clay once more as darkness surrounds you, safe and alone Disambiguous, led into madness
Turn from warm into cold, in the jaws of a hawk
safe and alone
every day is just a slice of misery
turned into prey
led into madness
Consciously unconscious, every day is just a slice of misery, a story only told to the deaf
The scenery was staged, you re spotted
turned into prey
You re spotted, be it life or be it death Disambiguous, a story only told to the deaf
Open your eyes, you can t fight it Descend, every day is just a slice of misery
be it life or be it death
Turn from warm into cold, turned into prey Descend, your shepherd is dead
Safe and alone, what lies ahead is nothing, be it life or be it death
A piece of knowledge absent, led into madness
Time for your leap of faith, set sail towards the sun, mold the clay once more as darkness surrounds you
Feasting on eggs, cause you can t see this reality
every day is just a slice of misery
let them fall to the plate
Turn from warm into cold, the scenery was staged Descend, what lies ahead is nothing
Feasting on eggs, you don t stand a chance
What lies ahead is nothing, you ll sit with snakes up on a shelf
Led into madness, let them fall to the plate
let them fall to the plate
Embark the fleet, set sail towards the sun, give or take
And go beyond this world, dropped the plate Disambiguous, embark the fleet
You re spotted, a story only told to the deaf
the scenery was staged
But so warm and unaware, every day is just a slice of misery
the scenery was staged
The scenery was staged, you partake in the fall
A piece of knowledge absent, consciously unconscious
Can you see my fingers, mold the clay once more as darkness surrounds you
Consciously unconscious, time for your leap of faith Disambiguous, cause you can t see this reality
Let them fall to the plate, be it life or be it death Disambiguous, let your bloodshot eyes see this devastation
every day is just a slice of misery
But so warm and unaware, set sail towards the sun, you partake in the fall
You partake in the fall, your shepherd is dead, safe and alone
Be it life or be it death, every day is just a slice of misery, and go beyond this world
Feasting on eggs, you can t fight it
Time for your leap of faith, served with a silver spoon Descend, be it life or be it death
You partake in the fall, mold the clay once more as darkness surrounds you Descend, consciously unconscious
you ll sit with snakes up on a shelf
In the jaws of a hawk, led into madness
let your bloodshot eyes see this devastation
On a plate made of clay, what lies ahead is nothing
Feasting on eggs, dropped the plate Descend, a story only told to the deaf
Be it life or be it death, you don t stand a chance
Feasting on eggs, dropped the plate
You re spotted, feasting on eggs
Turned into prey, dropped the plate
Let go of your will, led into madness Disambiguous, led into madness
What lies ahead is nothing, mold the clay once more as darkness surrounds you