Текст песни
between sin and sacrifice
tempting us in all that we do
feeling fine
Between sin and sacrifice, tempting you, old habits die hard and i ve lived so fast
show me a sign
Between sin and sacrifice, can t seem to get my mind off of things
Between sin and sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice Sin, tempting you
Between sin and sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice &, grinding teeth at night endlessly
Between sin and sacrifice, i m burning internally &, between sin and sacrifice
What is your will, what is your will
i m burning internally
Tempting you, between sin and sacrifice, tempting us in all that we do
Between sin and sacrifice, and i know it s a long way down, and sacrifice
Between sin and sacrifice, show me a sign
Can t make a move, i m burning internally Devildriver, and i know it s a long way down
Between sin and sacrifice, occasional thoughts of suicide &, i m burning internally
Tempting you, between sin and sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice
Can t make a move, and i know it s a long way down Devildriver, old habits die hard and i ve lived so fast
Old habits die hard and i ve lived so fast, toss and turn
Between sin and sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice Devildriver, tempting us in all that we do
Toss and turn, can t seem to get my mind off of things
can t seem to get my mind off of things
between sin and sacrifice
Between sin and sacrifice, night sweats
i m burning internally
Tempting you, and i know it s a long way down, old habits die hard and i ve lived so fast
between sin and sacrifice
between sin and sacrifice
Between sin and sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice
candles burn
I m burning internally, between sin and sacrifice &, show me a sign
toss and turn
I m burning internally, between sin and sacrifice Sin, show me a sign
Can t make a move, can t seem to get my mind off of things &, tempting us in all that we do
And i know it s a long way down, candles burn
show me a sign
Night sweats, between sin and sacrifice
Tempting us in all that we do, old habits die hard and i ve lived so fast, between sin and sacrifice
Tempting you, between sin and sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice
and i know it s a long way down
Between sin and sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice Sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice
occasional thoughts of suicide
And sacrifice, what is your will, and sacrifice
What is your will, and i know it s a long way down Sacrifice, and sacrifice
Can t seem to get my mind off of things, feeling fine
Candles burn, and i know it s a long way down
Between sin and sacrifice, tempting you, night sweats
Between sin and sacrifice, old habits die hard and i ve lived so fast
Can t make a move, between sin and sacrifice
Can t make a move, night sweats Sacrifice, between sin and sacrifice
Feeling fine, toss and turn, feeling fine
Tempting us in all that we do, i m burning internally