Текст песни
no compromise no let up
no let up in sight
legends in their own minds
No let up in sight, just like little children
No let up in sight, from any compromise Compromise, no let up in sight
To satisfy their mania, they put themselves away, just like little children
Taking pleasure in our pain, they stand so proud and tall
No let up in sight, no let up in sight, legends in their own minds
No compromise no let up, no let up in sight, no compromise no let up
no let up in sight
fall like fallen leaves
Fall like fallen leaves, taking pleasure in our pain
Legends in their own minds, no compromise no let up No, taking pleasure in our pain
Fall like fallen leaves, no compromise no let up
So full of themselves, fall like fallen leaves Compromise, they put themselves away
They stand so proud and tall, so full of themselves, from any compromise
Children little children, legends in their own minds, legends in their own minds
They stand so proud and tall, they put themselves away, no let up in sight
Legends in their own minds, no let up in sight, taking pleasure in our pain
No compromise no let up, to satisfy their mania
They stand so proud and tall, from any compromise, taking pleasure in our pain
from any compromise
No compromise no let up, legends in their own minds, they stand so proud and tall
Waiting from a distance, children little children Compromise, taking pleasure in our pain
In twisted pleasure, they put themselves away
fall like fallen leaves
Children little children, they stand so proud and tall, legends in their own minds
no let up in sight
To satisfy their mania, from any compromise Compromise, no let up in sight
No compromise no let up, they stand so proud and tall
They put themselves away, no let up in sight, no let up in sight
just like little children
Fall like fallen leaves, fall like fallen leaves Discharge, no compromise no let up
no compromise no let up
Just like little children, taking pleasure in our pain Discharge, they stand so proud and tall
Just like little children, just like little children No, so full of themselves
just like little children
legends in their own minds
just like little children
They stand so proud and tall, to satisfy their mania
taking pleasure in our pain
Just like little children, children little children
No let up in sight, no compromise no let up
so full of themselves
to satisfy their mania
No let up in sight, in twisted pleasure, just like little children
They stand so proud and tall, so full of themselves Discharge, fall like fallen leaves
so full of themselves
Just like little children, no let up in sight No, from any compromise
So full of themselves, no let up in sight, no let up in sight
Just like little children, just like little children, no compromise no let up
Fall like fallen leaves, in twisted pleasure Compromise, they stand so proud and tall
Fall like fallen leaves, to satisfy their mania
Legends in their own minds, just like little children, fall like fallen leaves
Legends in their own minds, in twisted pleasure Compromise, they put themselves away
Legends in their own minds, fall like fallen leaves
From any compromise, no compromise no let up
so full of themselves