Текст песни
Perfect shells with bright white smiles, marionettes seem to serve us
Do we get what we deserve, they shift us to a wrong turn, they keep us under control
We choose what they offer, they teach us all their rules
Hunger leads us to the fireplace, they put us on a diet every day Silent, they teach us all their rules
drank the wine and fell asleep
do we get what we deserve
they shift us to a wrong turn
We swallowed every lie that was told, never realized that we eat rotten flesh Silent, they want our souls
they put us on a diet every day
A limited menu to keep us satisfied, perfect shells with bright white smiles, they offer us all their toxic
Drank the wine and fell asleep, do we get what we deserve Silent, they offer us all their toxic
Hunger leads us to the fireplace, never realized that we eat rotten flesh
We are welcome as long as we pay, they keep us under control Silent, they keep us under control
Marionettes seem to serve us, never realized that we eat rotten flesh
They want our souls, drank the wine and fell asleep, they shift us to a wrong turn
Drank the wine and fell asleep, hunger leads us to the fireplace
they keep us under control
Do we get what we deserve, they put us on a diet every day
they teach us all their rules
We swallowed every lie that was told, we swallowed every lie that was told
they want our souls
do we get what we deserve
they keep us under control
Perfect shells with bright white smiles, they keep us under control, we swallowed every lie that was told
When did it start and who s to blame, hunger leads us to the fireplace, a limited menu to keep us satisfied
when did it start and who s to blame
do we get what we deserve
Hunger leads us to the fireplace, they keep us under control
We swallowed every lie that was told, no matter if sun or moon is shining
They shift us to a wrong turn, drank the wine and fell asleep
They teach us all their rules, we swallowed every lie that was told
We choose what they offer, never realized that we eat rotten flesh Discreation, we are welcome as long as we pay
No matter if sun or moon is shining, never realized that we eat rotten flesh
Do we get what we deserve, no matter if sun or moon is shining
a limited menu to keep us satisfied
Do we get what we deserve, they give us forbidden fruits Discreation, marionettes seem to serve us
They want our souls, they form us to their ideals
They feed our silent hunger, hunger leads us to the fireplace
They want our souls, they shift us to a wrong turn
They feed our silent hunger, marionettes seem to serve us
Hunger leads us to the fireplace, they give us forbidden fruits Silent, they form us to their ideals