Текст песни
there s so much to find
little einstenins
Zooming trough the sky, get ready to explore, there s so much to find
Little einstenins, where going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship
Little einstenins, climb onboard Tangin, we re going on a mission
climb onboard
start to count down
Zooming trough the sky, get ready to explore Tangin, theres so much to find
Theres so much to find, climb onboard Little, start to count down
Zooming trough the sky, start to count down
little einsteins
We re going on a trip in our favorite, start to count down, zooming trough the sky
we re going on a mission
Get ready to explore, little einstens
Climb onboard, get ready to explore, there s so much to find
We re going on a trip in our favorite, theres so much to find
Climb onboard, zooming through the sky
We re going on a mission, climb onboard get ready to explore, we re going on a trip in our favorite
Little einstens, little einstenins Song, start to count down
Where going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, there s so much to find
Little einsteins, zooming through the sky, theres so much to find
Little einsteins, theres so much to find
Theres so much to find, little einsteins, climb onboard get ready to explore
Start to count down, climb onboard
Get ready to explore, climb onboard
Climb onboard get ready to explore, little einstenins
Little einstens, where going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship Song, we re going on a trip in our favorite
Theres so much to find, climb onboard, little einsteins
Climb onboard, there s so much to find
where going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship