Текст песни
how bow how bow dah
Cash me outside how bow dah, cash me outside how bow dah
Yo hoes are laughing, yo what does that mean, cash me outside cash me outside cash me outside how bow dah
how bow how bow dah
What i just said, how bow how bow dah, what does that mean
How bow how bow dah, cash me outside cash me outside cash me outside how bow dah God, how bow how bow dah
What does that mean, the hoes are laughing, so the audience are a bunch of hoes
the hoes are laughing
What i just said, yo the hoes are laughing DJ, cash me outside cash me outside cash me outside how bow dah
yo hoes are laughing
What does that mean, so the audience are a bunch of hoes (#CashmeOutside), yo what does that mean
the hoes are laughing
So the audience are a bunch of hoes, what i just said
yo the hoes are laughing
Cash me outside how bow dah, yo hoes are laughing, what does that mean
What does that mean, cash me outside cash me outside cash me outside how bow dah
so the audience are a bunch of hoes
What does that mean, cash me outside how bow dah
So the audience are a bunch of hoes, so the audience are a bunch of hoes
Cash me outside cash me outside cash me outside how bow dah, so the audience are a bunch of hoes, yo how bow dah
yo how bow dah
The hoes are laughing, what does that mean
Yo hoes are laughing, cash me outside how bow dah
cash me outside how bow dah
Cash me outside how bow dah, the hoes are laughing The, how bow how bow dah
What i just said, what does that mean Me, what i just said
cash me outside how bow dah
Cash me outside how bow dah, what does that mean, how bow how bow dah
what does that mean
Yo hoes are laughing, how bow how bow dah, what i just said
yo the hoes are laughing
What does that mean, yo what does that mean
Cash me outside cash me outside cash me outside how bow dah, yo what does that mean
cash me outside how bow dah
yo what does that mean
cash me outside how bow dah
what does that mean
What i just said, cash me outside how bow dah
what i just said
How bow how bow dah, what i just said, cash me outside how bow dah
cash me outside cash me outside cash me outside how bow dah
Cash me outside how bow dah, cash me outside how bow dah Suede, what i just said
What does that mean, yo the hoes are laughing
The hoes are laughing, the hoes are laughing God, what does that mean
Cash me outside how bow dah, cash me outside how bow dah
how bow how bow dah
yo the hoes are laughing
How bow how bow dah, cash me outside how bow dah, yo how bow dah
yo how bow dah
yo hoes are laughing
The hoes are laughing, the hoes are laughing, so the audience are a bunch of hoes
How bow how bow dah, cash me outside how bow dah, cash me outside how bow dah
what i just said
cash me outside how bow dah
what does that mean
what does that mean
cash me outside how bow dah
Yo how bow dah, cash me outside how bow dah
cash me outside how bow dah