Текст песни
Leave you heaped up with that same old feeling, a ghost as i coast through your town
Sons of the flame raise from the raze we ll, s to the im to the s-b to the am to the f soul is burnin
plus the reason for the daily jump rope
Return to the earth, fine line between fame and a phase
So don t mind me as i breeze on through, clerics for the forest and informants for the jungles, old as the hour
So get em up for the sons this evening, s to the im to the s-b to the am to the f soul is burnin
so shook so loaded so liquids get molded
Holding it down, stakes is high but i got walls to paint and slates to wipe
The only flight is your last thought, the nights are dying in black, knowing them vultures can circle yeah but there s poachers around
instead of heaving glass rocks
So the touch to the blind, i seen em feign
So don t mind me as i breeze on through, the nights are dying in black Burn, cold rays with a cold handshake
So learn and let learn, work that fire fireworks fuse, i keep my eyes wide open as i m allowed
Old as the hour, i seen em feign
Frozen in pain, let it crash by the waves, old as the hour
wide-open minded
Hold it in vain, so get em up for the sons this evening
Let it crash by the waves, wise soldier
Stakes is high but i got walls to paint and slates to wipe, i keep my ear to the ground
Survival is the hustle, time is flying away
the nights are dying in black
Head em off at the plot, s to the im to the s-b to the am to the f soul is burnin
so don t look
so i fly low
i seen em feign
The only flight is your last thought, but if you ve seen the view from my shoes you knew i got to move
Stakes is high but i got walls to paint and slates to wipe, rise and shoot at the sunset with a musket rusted in rain, tongue caught one in the chest
running on fumes like a neon tube
Tongue caught one in the chest, hold it in vain
I keep my ear to the ground, i seen em feign, old as the hour
Just note it, running on fumes like a neon tube Burn, the nights are dying in black
Holding it down, but if you ve seen the view from my shoes you knew i got to move
Let em drop like leaves in the trees, the nights are dying in black, hold it in vain
your only flight is your last thought
The only flight is your last thought, let it crash by the waves, but i promise it s coming
but if you ve seen the view from my shoes you knew i got to move
It s that slow burn, the only flight is your last thought
Holding it down, barely an inch above the surface, leave you heaped up with that same old feeling
Wise soldier, we dice like drunken surgeons till they close our curtains
holding it down
Time is flying the away, so the touch to the blind
Stakes is high but i got walls to paint and slates to wipe, wise soldier Slow, so don t mind me as i breeze on through
So i fly low, perforate that perpetrator
Wide-open minded, leave you heaped up with that same old feeling, barely an inch above the surface
so don t mind me as i breeze on through
a ghost that moves like a banshee dancing in place
time is flying away
Cold look for the fanbase, from the middle of nowhere certain, so get em up for the sons this evening
So shook so loaded so liquids get molded, it s that slow burn
Stakes is high but i got walls to paint and slates to wipe, fire fights fire, plus the reason for the daily jump rope
let em drop like leaves in the trees
So learn and let learn, let it crash by the waves
Running on fumes like a neon tube, leave you heaped up with that same old feeling Slow, reasons why we work the blade
a ghost as i coast through your town
hold it in vain
Return to the earth, just note it, i keep my eyes wide open as i m allowed